I am a native English speaker and recently started learning Esperanto a few weeks ago. I was inspired by a TED Talk that explained how Esperanto is an excellent first choice for those interested in acquiring multiple languages.

Due to its relative simplicity, learning Esperanto effectively prepares your brain for learning additional languages, making the process quicker and smoother.

So how many here speak different languages and what are they?

  • @[email protected]
    61 month ago

    Russian at a Native level, because my parents speak it (so I can barely read)

    German at a Native level, because I’ve been living in Germany the past 20 years.

    English at a C2 level, just from school and because all my online activity and all my entertainment is in english.

    And some French and Latin back from school, but learning those was horrible and I’d like to forget as much as I can.

    I absolutely hate learning languages and hope that I will never have to do it again. But the reality of living in Europe is just that you never know whether you’ll wake up one day and decide to move to the Netherlands or Denmark because there are great jobs there 🤷