• @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    The voters, genuinely. Because they misunderstood what the vote meant.

    If the dems required we all support a literal far right fascist genocide, or else let trump take office, then the dems are fascists. The fascist dems can go fuck themselves right along with the fascist republicans. I dont vote in support of genocide of innocents, and neither should any of you. regardless of the cost..

    • @[email protected]
      1024 hours ago

      Hope you liked having a country and a future in it as much as I did. Be a pity if you didn’t care about what you lost us with your “protest vote.”

      • @[email protected]
        211 hours ago

        Sometimes I think Democrat establishment bootlickers actually wanted to lose just so they could write comments like this.

        Are you gonna be like the lady that called ICE on her neighbor because the son voted for Trump to get his parents deported? Like, you have no actual moral compass. You just want your team to win and will attack anyone that might hurt your team. You’re attacking people that are against genocide for not voting for a candidate that supports genocide.

      • @[email protected]
        819 hours ago

        So it’s cool to support fascism just as long as you’re in the in-group at the time? There was zero need for Dems to support fascism but apparently Biden and Harris thought it was more important to protect it than defeat Donald Trump.

        • @[email protected]
          419 hours ago

          I mean, good attempt, but failed. I don’t support fascism which is why I didn’t vote for a fascist. I don’t support genocide which is why I didn’t vote for the person that would fully embrace it in two countries. You can get off my junk now, thanks.

        • Carighan Maconar
          218 hours ago

          And yet now you got a fascist himself who also actively supports fascism and actively supports and accelerates Genocide in two countries, including wanting to entirely depopulate one.


          • @[email protected]
            617 hours ago

            It was fascism either way, so you should be happy since you got what you were (and still are) asking for. You seem to be under the impression that the DNC had to support fascism when that isn’t the case and we can all confirm that it wasn’t the case now that they’ve lost yet another election with the exact same garbage strategy.

      • @[email protected]
        723 hours ago

        That’s the difference between the commenter above you and you. You’re happy to live in a country where your living conditions and your future are assured, even if it genocides people elsewhere. I’d say what I think about your stance if it didn’t violate the civility rules.

        • Carighan Maconar
          318 hours ago

          And yet people voted a fascist into office who is now actively acclerating genocide including wanting a country fully depopulated.

          • @[email protected]
            517 hours ago

            And yet the democrat administration couldn’t possibly run a campaign with more likeable policy and candidates than Trump, which is quite possibly the worst US president.

        • @[email protected]
          23 hours ago

          Lol goodbye Palestine any fucking way, friend. Those of us with a functioning brain knew that was obvious with Trump. Oh, but now they’ll get ethnically cleansed for a golf course co-owned by Trump and Israel! Hope your sanctimony warms the empty space in your head.

          • @[email protected]
            823 hours ago

            That’s a lot of words for saying you don’t care about the deaths of Arabs as long as you reap the benefits in the imperial core.

            • @[email protected]
              919 hours ago

              The dude is laughing about genocide while fantasizing about additional genocides against people who disagree with him. He obviously has MAGA brain rot syndrome.

              • Eugene V. Debs' Ghost
                315 hours ago

                If I had a nickel every time I saw a liberal in glee about Palestine in the last 4 years, I’d have enough to move out of this hellhole.

    • Carighan Maconar
      41 day ago

      And so you voted by splitting your vote based on your local outcome. Which still, factually makes you have voted for either of the two.

      One of which also wants your cost of living to go up (and is doing that now), social security to go down (and is doing that right now), reduce oversight of large corporations, massively expand corruption and corporate control of the government, reduce public safety and limit personal liberties.

      If you got a choice between +9-1 and -11 (bonus for the Reps accelerating the genocide instead of abiding it) , and that’s your two options, you don’t pick the latter. And not voting is the same as voting for the local majority, so it matters fuck all what your intent was.

      You, also, misunderstood what the vote was about, quite clearly.

      • @[email protected]
        19 hours ago

        People like you silencing dissent is precisely how the DNC deluded themselves into believing they could win while running to the right.

        The only time we see the democrats accede to popular opinion and do the things they need to get elected is when is so exceedingly obvious that there is no other path that they can’t pretend otherwise, and the moment that pressure lets up, they will stop. They only told Biden to drop out when he had no path to victory, and the moment Kamala looked like she’d win, the dems embraced every policy that had killed the Biden campaign.

        They had polling data, they knew that banning tiktok wouldn’t increase their chances to win, but they did it anyway. They knew that sending cops to kick the shit out of politically active college students wouldn’t help them win, but they did it anyway, because they thought they could do that and still win.

        • Carighan Maconar
          17 hours ago

          Oh I think you misunderstand me.

          I’m not criticising who disagree with both parties, just those that did not vote and now want to pretend that didn’t have an effect largely the same as a vote. Most voting systems cannot model non-voting, and hence it ends up being a vote in effect, and for whom is something you let somebody else decide then. It’s silly to pretend otherwise. Abstaining means giving a vote to someone who you know won’t win, that’s the only way sadly.

          To make abstaining visible you’d have to say, directly assign seats if the house to parties including that the percentage of non-voters forces seats to be left vacant or such. But I’m not sure anybody uses something like that, don’t think so.

      • @[email protected]
        12 hours ago

        Frame it how you’d like, and I’ll frame it how I like. And I’ll happily vote similarly in 2026 and 2028 too. Until the dems get more scared of losing elections from a lack of progressive support than they are scared of losing far right AIPAC donations, they get zero support from me and the progressives I know, and they cant win an election without us unless they find a whole lot of republican votes-- which they have zero chance of getting.

        Let us know how that turns out. Until then, get used to AIPAC buying you like a cheap mercenary to support ever greater war crimes. Even after they kill everyone in Gaza and the west bank, they wont stop there. Its on to Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, then Egypt. Someone needs man/woman-up and tell them no.