Do you know what I mean? The trend of girls wearing cow print lingerie and little cow ears and a cow bell around their neck?

No hate at all but I just don’t get it 😭

Cats make sense to me, bunnies make sense to me, channeling those more stereotypical “sexy animals” (bizarre when you think about it) into your cute lingerie is something I can understand… but I think I missed the boat when cows became a thing.

Why cows? Why not any other animal, like an elephant or walrus? Can anyone explain?

  • @[email protected]
    92 years ago

    Rabbits reproduce very quickly (they fuck a lot) that’s a sexual reference.

    Female cats mate with multiple male cats while in heat. That’s also a sexual reference.

    Humans have been using animals as references to sex for centuries.

    Last I checked cows aren’t really sexualized unless it’s a bull. Excluding this trend of course.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Milk maids were heavily sexualised historically because they had beautiful skin, as exposure to bovine pox gave them immunity to smallpox.

      This realisation led to the first vaccine.

      Then there’s the milk producing connection, milk production has always been an important characteristic for a mate. It’s one of the driving factors behind humans having such distinct sexual dimorphism (as I understand it).

      Most mammals only have swollen/enlarged breasts when pregnant and breastfeeding where humans have them all the time. Though they do also swell up a bit during milk production it’s not as pronounced a difference as with other mammals.

      TLDR: associating beautiful women with cows isn’t new…. In fact it’s much older than the bunny or cat thing.

      • @dazedandconfused
        82 years ago

        Milkmaids also probably give the most incredible handjobs.