From seeing the gameplay, it seems like scopes are again overlays - so I hope a see through/fake through scopes mod will be released shortly after the game drops.

See through/Fake through?

For anyone who doesn’t know the difference - see through scopes just takes the scope model and lets you aim through it, but the whole screen zoomes in for this one. Fake through scopes renders (or pretends to render) a second instance of the game inside the scope so only the inside of the scope zoomes in and not the entire screen. Overlays just zoom in the whole screen as well and put a black overlay over your screen with a scope shaped cutout - so lame.

Another mod wish would be land vehicles/mechs - I need my starfield power armor equivalent :D

    2 years ago

    Looking forward to a Skyrim OpenCities style mod to remove the planet exploration cell boundaries, if someone can figure that out