
  • @appyore
    21 year ago

    as i understand it each server can choose who it federates with directly and who it blocks, i saw some of the left and right ones have already started.

    i imagine we’re going to get various sects with agreed upon universal rules so only people that enforce those rules are allowed to federate - then there will be offshoots and little sub-sections that you’ll have to sign up to one of those servers to get into that bit of the network. Could end up having a couple of alt accounts for the various bits of the network, like a porn account here that links to other safe nsfw servers then an account on .world or somewhere for more general chat, possibly a political one if your ideology is fringe… might actually turn out to be a good thing by making it harder for people to come across an ideological divide just to troll, they’d actually have to make a dedicated account somewhere.