• @[email protected]
    -21 year ago

    When someone today tells me Trump is the worst President in American history, I instantly write them off in my head as Not A Serious Person

    There is a thing called hyperbole which doesn’t indicate everyone is a moron but you nor does it mean the person saying it doesn’t have a great point. Trump was fucking awful. How can you so neatly quantify how bad they all are? I think it’s pretty goddamned bad that Trump has eroded the concept of democracy and singlehandedly killed unknown tens of thousands of people minimum by downplaying COVID. Oh well guess I’m just a fucking joke for thinking for a moment that those two things could ever be worse than things Reagan did. After all, it’s all so cut and dried.

    Get off your fucking high horse.

    • @[email protected]
      -11 year ago

      No. Trump is categorically not even close to Bush or Clinton or Reagan—but that’s just my opinion. I think it’s rather you that needs to get off your high horse for behaving like a perfect hypocrite.

      Try to be less combative next time and it might result in an actual adult conversation instead of the aftermath of an adolescent hormone spike

      • @[email protected]
        -11 year ago

        Not looking to have a conversation. Just calling you on being an idiot, like someone needed to.

        but that’s just my opinion

        Yeah well if you’d just wrote that no one would be calling you an idiot. Even in that same sentence you present it as a fact. No, it is not clear how one would actually determine the worst president ever but it should be pretty acceptable to say it about a president that did thousands of horrible actions, without having some dweeb pretend they’re superior about the topic.