Here in the US we had Thanksgiving. Tell me about your sexy (and non-sexy) naughty adventures last week!

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    Tuesday was my birthday, and my sister and my girlfriend surprised me by taking me out for a fun night with a couple of my close friends! We met up for drinks and went to this Pho place for dinner, then we did an escape room, it was a really fun time! It was so cool to be able to hang out and have a good time with everyone and be open about things, everyone really liked my girlfriend and told me we were cute together!

    Afterward, she took me back home just the two of us and treated me to some spa type pampering, complete with a full body massage that felt amazing and became more and more sexy until we couldn’t take it anymore. She insisted on focusing on me the entire night, I normally try to give as good as I get (although she has more experience so that’s sometimes hit or miss) but she wouldn’t budge and I didn’t try to fight too hard lol. And she was definitely thorough, by the time we collapsed to go to sleep I was basically a quivering puddle and was so hyper sensitive to touch I don’t think I could’ve survived coming even one more time.

    On Thanksgiving with my family I did tell my parents about being in a relationship with a woman. Overall it went better than I expected, my dad just gave me a hug and told me he didn’t care who I loved as long as I was happy. My mom was more reserved, she doesn’t really understand and I’m pretty sure she thinks it’s like a phase or me trying to be trendy or whatever. She’s always been more conservative about things, but she didn’t freak out or shun me or anything, and she did ultimately tell me that she also just wants me to be happy.

    My girlfriend was out of town visiting family for Thanksgiving so we weren’t able to meet up for the weekend like normal. But it did give us the perfect chance to use the birthday present she got me, it’s this vibrator toy that she can control from her end. We called over video and did a long distance thing, it was sexy but a bit awkward since I’m not really experienced with that stuff. It definitely made me realize I need to up my dirty talk game! Fortunately her’s is really good and we got there in the end! No substitute for the real thing but overall it was really nice!

    • @dazedandconfusedOP
      310 months ago

      That’s so sweet. How nervous were you when you were bringing it up at Thanksgiving? What did you feel?

      I’ve tried the remote control vibe on someone in the past and the software was very glitchy. Which brand is yours?

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Pretty nervous, mostly because I knew for them it was going to come out of left field. I knew they weren’t about to like disown me or anything but it’s still a big thing to come to them about. Having my sister there to support me was really nice. And our Thanksgiving is pretty low key, so it wasn’t like standing up to make a dramatic announcement at a big family dinner, it was really just me, my parents and my sister so pretty calm.

        Mine is a We Vibe, I haven’t really looked at all the different options out there so I don’t know how it rates against others but we didn’t have any problems!