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Every police chase is a danger to innocent people’s lives. Some chases are necessary, but a broken taillight is not worth that risk.

  • @[email protected]
    269 months ago

    If you know that a light is broken you have a number plate which means that you can just send a ticket to the owner. At least that’s how it works here in Germany. If the owner didn’t drive then they’re welcome to tell police who drove, unless they reported the car as stolen they’re on the hook.

    Oh and German police don’t chase pretty much ever and definitely not on the Autobahn. That’s what helicopters are for.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      That’s how it is here in Denmark too. As usual, us Nordics do it the common sense way while US cops are pretty much as idiotic as they’re malicious, making them doubly dangerous to themselves and especially others.

      Not saying that German and Danish cops don’t have their ACAB moments, mind you, but they ARE less awful (in part due to more and better training) and our systems constrain them much more effectively than the insane pro-cop US one.