Oh, and the absolute BEST part was how they wouldn’t confirm whether Arms Race was even going to be added back, in the new version. They just shut down the original CS:GO, without asking anyone’s permission, and put the new version in, without major features that people had come to expect.

The more I think about it, the more I consider it to be the biggest L that Valve has ever taken.

  • @ChillDude69OP
    57 months ago

    That really does change my outlook. I didn’t have, like, a group of friends who all played Arms Race together, or on custom maps, or whatever…but I always imagined the situation from the perspective of people who DID have their own little community going, and then had it ripped out from under them, only to then have to wait around for Valve to decide IF they were ever going to add Arms Race back into the game.

    As long as there was a path for people to keep playing if they wanted, it’s a very different discussion.