Having large numbers of people starve to death seems like a pretty damning indictment of a system. But I dunno, maybe I’m overly attached to food?

  • bufalo1973
    107 months ago

    Ireland famine, Indian famine, Ethiopia famine, … Do I have to say more?

    • @[email protected]
      57 months ago

      Well, yes. Those are just the names of places. There were other Soviet/communists famines as well. All said, about 50 million died in various communist-nation famines. This isn’t a defense of capitalism…it’s just stating facts. If we actually want to reduce suffering, we need to be objective. As far as capitalism v communism goes, as far as I can tell, they’re both very flawed systems prone to authoritarian takeovers. I think the best we’ve got right now is the sort of socialist-democratic systems we see in northern Europe where most businesses are still privately owned, but markets are severely regulated. Education and elections are well-funded from public coffers, so it’s a fair playing field. Governments are comprised of multi-party coalitions that help force hard-liners to compromise, and no-cinfidence votes make it easier to reform government when it isn’t working well.

      • Grayox
        77 months ago

        The British East India Company killed 40 million People. And that is just one singular corporate entity.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          And 40 million sex-selective abortions happened under China’s one-child policy, 30 million starved during the 40-yr-famine and an additional 4 million outside Ukraine in the USSR. The problem isn’t communism/capitalism it’s authoritarian vs democratic.

          • @[email protected]
            47 months ago

            20 million people die from starvation, lack of access to clean water or preventable disease under capitalism EVERY YEAR.

            These are solvable problems but its not profitable. 1/3 of food produced globably is thrown away. We’ve plenty of solutions for access to water. Preventable disease, it’s in the name.