Note I did not buy any food for myself.

To head off questions:

  1. No, I couldn’t cook for her. I’m suffering from a long-term illness where I can’t eat solid foods and am extremely smell sensitive. My wife is at a funeral, so I had to order food.

  2. She’s extremely picky and refused to let me order anything but pizza.

  3. We live outside of town, in a not very big town, with very few pizza delivery options, and they’re all at least this expensive.

  4. No, I didn’t also have to buy her the cheesy bread or the second topping or the sauces, but it’s nice to get my daughter a treat and that is no excuse for the order being that expensive.

  5. We’re in Indiana, so this should be ludicrous in terms of pricing. This used to be the pricing I would expect when we lived in L.A. and ordered from a good local place rather than a chain.

Edit: Turns out what I should have been infuriated about is people repeatedly telling me to get takeout and having to repeatedly explain why that wasn’t an option, having people not believe I’m sick, and being repeatedly berated for not magically knowing food coupons exist on the internet when I never order food on the internet. Oh right, and also being a bad parent for not forcing food my daughter doesn’t like down her throat or starving her if she won’t eat it.

By the way, I have another thing to be infuriated about. A huge storm came in and this happened to our trees. I assume I will start being berated for not cutting them down before that happened, but because I have no power or internet at home and have to go to the library to post, your further posts telling me what an idiot I am and how I’m an awful parent and how I’m not really sick will take me a while to read. Sorry to ruin your day. Maybe you’ll find someone else to treat like shit.

Anyway, have fun telling me I’m the worst person on Lemmy, just don’t expect a quick reply.

Oh, and do tell me how stupid I am for not knowing that people who clear up and fix such damage have coupons on their website.

  • @[email protected]
    467 days ago

    Skill issue.

    Check the deals tab on the website, you could have gotten a medium and cheesy bread for at least $10 less that what you paid for this.

    Don’t blame the restaurant when you won’t even try to save money.

    • @[email protected]
      197 days ago

      Learning to “life-hack” a web site for deals (especially when in a crisis) shouldn’t be a prerequisite for purchasing food at a reasonable price. The onus should not be on the consumer to not get ripped off by the seller.

      This is just a continuation of systemic failure of business running rampant on the web without any reasonable regulation to prevent it.

      • @[email protected]
        97 days ago

        This isn’t like, basic necessities food. This fast food.

        The cost is the manpower and prep involved in being able to deliver food, fast.

        The deals are there to make you check the rest of the website and be acquainted with their products, in exchange you get a price reduction.

        There is no ripping off, you’re just not doing an additional bit of trading. If you don’t want food at the price Domino’s offers nobody says you must purchase from them.

    • Flying SquidOP
      167 days ago

      Sorry, why is it my fault to know that they offered discounts? Why should they offer them in the first place? Why not just charge that amount if they can afford to? Is it because you have to enter extra information for those coupons to work for them to harvest your data?

      • @[email protected]
        217 days ago

        In my experience, damn near every pizza place has had combo deals and coupons and stuff. And no, I never had to give any extra information or data or app install or whatever that I wouldn’t have had to give for the order anyway. Just say “yeah, add that special to the cart”

        Kinda like if you order a cheeseburger, fries, and drink instead of a #1 combo.

      • @[email protected]
        127 days ago

        I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect every person to go through the deals tab. Hell, that’s why it exists rather than just lowering the prices.

        • Flying SquidOP
          67 days ago

          I just looked at the coupons tab and none of them apply to what I ordered.

          • @[email protected]
            127 days ago

            The choose 2 for 6.99 seems like it’d work for a you. A medium pizza and cheesy bread for 14 bucks.

            You gotta get creative when buying from these chain pizza places. There’s reasonable deals to be found, but they don’t make it easy.

            • Flying SquidOP
              67 days ago

              I’m not seeing where it says a medium pizza. It also doesn’t say how many toppings, but I’m guessing one.

              On top of that, it’s a waste of food to get a medium pizza for one person.