• r00ty
    118 hours ago

    I’ve always found this weird. I think to be a good software developer it helps to know what’s happening under the hood when you take an action. It certainly helps when you want to optimize memory access for speed etc.

    I genuinely do know both sides of the coin. But I do know that the majority of my fellow developers at work most certainly have no clue about how computers work under the hood, or networking for example.

    I find it weird because, to be good at software development (and I don’t mean, following what the computer science methodology tells you, I mean having an idea of the best way to translate an idea into a logical solution that can be applied in any programming language, and most importantly how to optimize your solution, for example in terms of memory access etc) requires an understanding of the underlying systems. That if you write software that is sending or receiving network packets it certainly helps to understand how that works, at least to consider the best protocols to use.

    But, it is definitely true.

    • @[email protected]
      249 minutes ago

      and I don’t mean, following what the computer science methodology tells you, I mean having an idea of the best way to translate an idea into a logical solution that can be applied in any programming language,

      But that IS computer science.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      . I think to be a good software developer it helps to know what’s happening under the hood when you take an action.

      There’s so many layers of abstractions that it becomes impossible to know everything.

      Years ago, I dedicated a lot of time understanding how bytes travel from a server into your router into your computer. Very low-level mastery.

      That education is now trivia, because cloud servers, cloudflare, region points, edge-servers, company firewalls… All other barriers that add more and more layers of complexity that I don’t have direct access to but can affect the applications I build. And it continues to grow.

      Add this to the pile of updates to computer languages, new design patterns to learn, operating system and environment updates…

      This is why engineers live alone on a farm after they burn out.

      It’s not feasible to understand everything under the hood anymore. What’s under the hood grows faster than you can pick it up.

    • @[email protected]
      67 hours ago

      yeah i wish it was a requirement that you’re nerdy enough to build your own computer or at least be able to install an OS before joining SWE industry. the non-nerds are too political and can’t figure out basic shit.

      • @[email protected]
        26 hours ago

        This is like saying before you can be a writer, you need to understand latin and the history of language.

        • @[email protected]
          75 hours ago

          You should if you want to be a science writer or academic, which lets be honest is a better comparison here. If your job involves latin for names and descriptions then you probably should take at least a year or two of latin if you don’t want to make mistakes here and there out of ignorance.