Looking for the perspective of anyone that has lived anywhere in the USA and moved to Puerto Rico. What’s it like, what’s different, what’s nicer, what was unexpected, and would you recommend the move?

  • @[email protected]
    104 months ago

    The thought crossed my mind as well as “what if I did something crazy and sold everything and moved as far away as I could without the logistical challenges of changing countries” and who knows, maybe I’ll seriously consider doing that once my grandparents pass away. There’s bound to be someone looking to hire an IT person in Puerto Rico for a year or two. On the other hand I’m sure there’s a lot more heat and sun to deal with which I’m not a huge fan of…so Alaska maybe?

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Why not change countries? I think about doing so all of the time because fuck the USA. Goddamn shithole country. But I, too, have million reasons not to. -_-

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        In short, money. My career is taking off and I might be in a difficult place to match my current income in the EU for example. When I’ve looked at listings for jobs similar to and a step above where I’m at and adjusted the income for the exchange rate it would be half or even less than I could expect to make in the States. It’s not a good place to live if you’re poor, but it’s a great place to live if you’re in the upper-middle class which my current career trajectory might well put us into by the end of the decade.

        If there’s a sudden boom in prison construction in the next few years I’ll reconsider of course

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          If there’s a sudden boom in prison construction in the next few years I’ll reconsider of course

          You work in what now 🤨

          Sarcasm aside, I am genuinely curious why you would leave this here. Is your work related to something with prisons?

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I meant it in reference to the Hitler-wannabe. I don’t expect him to be able to be capable of going full fascist but I’d much prefer to start over in another country than to try to avoid the Fourth Reich’s camps if he somehow manages to go full fascist

      • stinerman
        24 months ago

        If not fluent, yes you’ll have a hard time. I’ve been there and outside of the tourist areas, people either can’t or won’t speak English.

        I do recommend the USVI if the language barrier is a problem.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      The US is a shit hole and PR has no support from the mainland while also having to be an island in hurricane Alley. It’s not worth it. Worth the hassle to move some place with better labor protections and healthcare. Puerto Rico is beautiful but it’s all the worst parts of the US with very little benefit.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        In my late night brain-to-keyboard dumping I forgot to specify it would be for a couple of years that I’d want to live somewhere like Puerto Rico or Alaska so that I can have that experience under my belt. It’s a thought that’s danced around my brain for a while as a “what if”