Come to think of it, the Jedi are kinda dicks, they prevented anakin becoming a master despite his obvious talented skills in saber combat and his power in the force.

Not to mention, lore wise they let mundi have relations with his family where as it would’ve been a kick out for anakin.

Lastly, the jedi were sorta arrogant for thinking that nothing was wrong or that they were perfect despite having literal counterarguments from rebellious masters, Qui Gonn being a good example of somebody smelling the bullshit that the jedi were involved in.

So my fellow sith lords and jedi knights, what say you?

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    yea, the jedi were ideological conservatives.

    and that meme where Qui-Gon jinn brings back both Anakin and his mom instead of just Anakin?

    is a very legitimate point.

    the Jedi council chose to keep a jedi’s mother in slavery instead of reuniting their family, freedom which would have come at a truly insignificant cost to the council.

    • @[email protected]
      83 months ago

      If you want to get all philosophical (which is probably a bit too far, it’s George Lucas after all), you could make the argument that the downfall of the Republic is an example of a complacent, non-responsive governmental elite failing to react or even just recognize obvious problems.

      The Jedi are just warrior monks and symptomatic for that. They didn’t bring her with them, because they don’t care about people that much. They are above the population and act more like demigods.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        this is exactly my argument.

        I completely agree with everything you’ve written and I even suspect George does, despite his disinclination to discuss it.

        a complacent aristocracy hoisted by their own failing traditions and impotent bureaucracy.