aka: Burglary of your home, Car break-in, Your bedroom getting searched by someone (Parents/Roomates/Housemates/ or even Burglars), Your Backpack, Personal Electronics/Phone/Computer/etc getting searched, etc. (Including any seaches by law enforcrment / security)

Basically, anything that can be considered “personal space”.

Why I ask?

Well… My parent’s car has signs of being searched through last night, I think they forgot to close the windows all the way, and some random thief got in and looking for valuables, nothing of value wa taken, but stuff were all over the car, now I hate the idea of getting into that car again (someone might’ve slept inside the car, blegh 😖). That car feels so “tainted” now.

Like this cant be only my feeling right? Like, you just feel disgusted after someone touch your things against your will (especially if they are strangers).

  • @[email protected]
    162 months ago

    I just moved out of Los Angeles. LA is crazy.

    My first car in college got broken into, they stole my Sub in the trunk and my CDs, but they couldn’t get the radio out and broke the faceplate.

    I felt so f-ing violated. It was my first car, my home away from home, my freedom to go places. I was traumatized like ptsd. That lasted a long time.

    6 months later the entire car was gone, they stole it. Police took 2-3 days to find it. There was no tires, no engine, no muffler, and the interior was trashed.

    I was destroyed for a long time after that. Fuck thieves!!!

    I threw a Xmas party at my house with friends, and one “friend” had a new girlfriend and they went into the bathroom and stole a ton of my moms makeup, jewerly, and other stuff.

    Then maybe a month later that same guy poured white paint on my car windows. What a nice friend I had.

    I had another friend move out of state, and he left me to take care of his dog for a few months… turns out he stole $1000 worth of stuff from my house, canceled my phone plan and never came back for his dog.

    My wife was almost kidnapped as a kid, it freaked her out and when she was home she had her parents check all the cabinets for the kidnapper.

    Years later someone broke into her attic, which the stairs led into her bedroom. That one also really freaked her out. She knew who the guy was too. I saw him once and he gave me a nasty look and I took his picture lol

    So glad to be out of LA now.