Bethesda has done a great deal to discourage all modding efforts for the last couple years and they‘ll continue to do so until people stop buying their broken piece of code for an excuse of software. Which might happen sooner than later because the state of their games was always highly dependent on modders to fix everything constantly and there are fewer of them every day because of Bethesda’s incredible streak of ignorant decisions.
Maybe read the article. I know it’s too much to ask, but before saying stupid things, sometimes, it might be better to read the article.
“Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers. We want to incorporate this special mod that we’ve created for everyone.”
“The fact that Bethesda is keeping what is an old game updated is honestly a great thing – many members of the team are very excited to see this,” he notes. “On the technical front, being able to play Fallout London with the new potential engine improvements and the performance upgrades is fantastic. It’s going to mean that we can push the engine even harder than we’ve already pushed it. This is all going to be a boon.”
With all the AI generated garbage flooding text-based news, I didn’t bother reading it either. It’s a waste of my time 90% of the time.
Sometimes words are dumb, better avoid reading any words just to be safe.
I don’t even read comments anymore.
I’m convinced you guys just don’t read if you’ve never seen an article that’s blatantly loaded with fluff so you’ll scroll past more ads. Or maybe y’all are just that obtuse.
We literally had to create a bot to cut out all of the fluff in articles to make news these days more digestible.
I’ve seen tons of them. I never denied the issue. It’s real, and it’s very annoying. But using the fact that AI generated articles exist to justify spouting uninformed opinions based on nothing but a headline is ridiculous.
Instead of reading a headline, assuming it means what you think it does and being wrong, then writing a comment based on that wrong opinion, you could at least glance at the article. You have enough time to write an angry comment, you can’t spend 10 seconds glancing at the article to see if it has any info that the 5 word headline might not have covered?
Or alternatively, if it’s such an imposition, then just don’t comment.
Lmao you didn’t even stop to read who you’re talking to. I’m not the one who wrote the opinion, and I said as much in my first comment. I don’t even agree with the guy.
At least now the downvotes make sense. Y’all are just having a reddit moment.
I saw that you were a different person, I don’t see how that’s relevant. You chimed in saying you also didn’t read the article because of your opinion that most articles now are AI generated nonsense not worth consuming. Nothing in your first comment said you didn’t agree with him at all.
I’d get it if the guy you replied to said “read the article, it’s super interesting!” and then you said “I didn’t read it because most text articles are AI generated nonsense so maybe that’s why they didn’t bother either” to add perspective.
But that wasn’t what happened. The OP spouted a nonsense opinion based off what he thought was going on, which was wrong, the next guy told him to read the article before running his mouth, and you chimed in to say “who reads articles, it’s all AI generated nonsense anyways now” which to me, comes off as a defense of spouting uninformed bullshit based off zero information.
The only one having a reddit moment is you mate, instead of admitting you posted a dumb comment because you didnt bother reading an article and didnt understand the context you keep pushing forwards attaking everyone. is it that hard saying: “hey, i’m wrong, i didnt read the article so i understood something different.”? What is funnier is that you are not even the original op, but you obviously had the same thought process and felt attacked by being at that same level.
So your plan is just to read headlines and make assumptions? I’m sure that will give you a much clearer insight into things.
We literally had to create a bot to cut out all of the fluff in articles to make news these days more digestible.
Maybe read the previous comment. I know it’s too much to ask, but before saying stupid things, sometimes, it might be better to read the entire comment.
Mate, if you cared about your time, you wouldn’t argue on Lemmy under a post about something you didn’t even read.
I did read it. I said I wouldn’t blame him for not reading it given how much garbage is getting published.
But y’all love getting on your high horse over false assumptions 🤷♀️
I did read it. But y’all love getting on your high horse over false assumptions 🤷♀️
I didn’t bother reading it either
🤡 🤡 🤡
Lmao fair, I didn’t read it at first. I did read it after the first guy responded, though, and I assumed you responded to something further down the chain
Thank you for posting this. I was thinking that in a day when so many companies are pulling digital products, not pushing updates, and blaming consumers, that it was pretty damn cool of Bethesda to be updating anything outside a cash shop. Fallout 4 is (sorry everyone haha), 9 years old. Literally no one would bat an eye if they never touched the game again. Yeah, they have their own issues, though this is 100% a W and should be applauded.
Skyrim is one of the best selling games in history. A huge chunk of those sales took place on consoles, where mod availability is limited. This whole concept of modders being the only thing making Bethesda’s games successful is quite exaggerated, IMO.
Mods are definitely the one thing giving their games longevity, nobody would be still playing Skyrim or Fallout 4 nowadays if it wasn’t for the plethora of mods. In fact I feel kind of sorry for people playing on console, because the vanilla experience is just mediocre as fuck.
I won’t deny that mods extend their longevity. I’m just saying that there are plenty of gamers who are content with the vanilla games. Hell, Skyrim was an immediate success at launch, long before much of its mods came into existence. Same with Fallout 3 and 4. I’d argue the open world sandbox-esque design of the games are the main thing that give them longevity for the majority of players, similar to how tons of people still casually play any of the GTA games (and not just their online mode). Hell, most of the time when I see random social media posts for FO4, it’s the vanilla game with people just showing off their crazy settlement builds.
terrible. just terrible. im still playing skyrim and fo4 without mods. 99% of my playthroughs are vanilla. i have single handedly proved your comment wrong 🍷🧐
I legitimately feel sorry for you.
no, i legitimately feel sorry for you. your comments read like a madman raging at the world. oh how they dare have fun and i dont? oh how dare the world not be just like me? woe is me. woe is me.
A huge chunk of those sales took place on consoles
Well it has been released on every major console since the 360/PS3 era. So a major chunk is console sales.
Mods might not make them successful, but they do make the games actually playable and enjoyable, especially as each new release has more never-to-be-fixed bugs than the last.
I’ve got a friend planning to buy Fallout 3 for PC, but no way they’d buy that for console after all this time. The experience just can’t hold up.
I wonder why are you being downvoted considering the first mods in any list are performance and bug fixes lol
If they’re arrogant enough to think they can survive without the modders, let them die, I say. Fuck around and find out.
Edit: looks like I found the butthurt fanboys 😂 You people need to establish a sense of both taste and quality cause god knows you’re only making the problem worse by stupidly throwing your money at Todd’s false advertising.
We’re downvoting you because you didn’t read the article or the other comments which makes yours look foolish.
Frankly I don’t care for the delusions of the other comments, whatever they may be. The comment I responded to was on the subject of the questionable decisions Bugthesda has made recently, evidenced in abundance with Starfield in regards to making even the modder’s “job” difficult. Whether they’re actively hindering Fallout: London or not changes nothing, especially not the fact they’re a bunch of incompetent hacks, criminals and liars.
That’s right, losers, keep downvoting. Denial has been proven to be medically beneficial 😂
delayed indefinitely
Not just delayed
And it’s because an update broke the unreleased mod
It’s indefinite because they have dependencies that are maintained by other people that will break.
I mean, until the update comes out it would need to be indefinite, you can’t know what needs to be changed to even give an estimate until it’s out. Could be anything from a simple five minute fix to starting from near the beginning, may need dependencies updated, etc
None of these big ambitious mods for Bethesda games ever seem to get released. It’s always delay after delay. That’s why I’m forever skeptical of them.
Like this one, a lot of them are because Bethesda pushes an update like a decade after seemily halting any further work on the game and all the base mods require updates. Trying to run a specific version is probably too involved for a lot of people especially with how janky Bethesda modding is to begin with.
This is also the reason New Vegas has qoute a few overhaul mods. Sure some of them are questionable cough frontier cough but the fact exist at all is kinda impressive.
I’ll stand by the Frontier being a good time for a free mod. Insanely ambitious and some great quests and areas, even if the NCR questline is horribly written and on rails.
There’s a new version being made that guts the NCR questline, polishes it a bunch, adds some more quests, and adds some areas.
Which ultimately is good for us all despite the setback for the modders when it happens.
None is a bit harsh. There’s at least one that has come out and turned into a stand-alone game, Enderal. Enderal team has previously also released Nehrim for Oblivion, which was also a huge stand-alone mod. But there was also that controversial New Vegas mod that I can’t remember the name of. Skyrim also got Falskaar but I haven’t played it so I don’t know if that counts.
They take a huge amount of time to create so I’m not at all surprised most of them don’t release, but it doesn’t mean none of them release. Obviously it doesn’t help that Bethesda keeps meddling with their games which end up breaking mods and adding to the development. You’d think Bethesda would’ve figured out how to update the game without breaking mods, but nope.
that controversial New Vegas mod
I’m not well versed in modding Fallout or the modding scene, but is it the New Vegas mod that allows you to have sex with just about anything alive and create offspring? That feels like one of the most controversial mods I can recall. Or would it happen to be a mod that allows you to kill any kids in the game? I assume that would be a controversial mod too.
I had to look it up. It was Fallout Frontier and it’s controversial because there’s all sorts of sex related shit that is really questionably presented. Like there’s a deathclaw in heat and the game supposedly goes in-depth with how much the deathclaw wants to mate with the player. There’s also some fucked up shit like one of your companions gets raped and you can comfort her with “Why are we still here? Just to suffer”.
I didn’t remember the details but I did remember the community pretty quickly going from hype to not even talking about the mod.
I think they’re talking about The Frontier, which had a lot of… objectionable content.
Tale of Two Wastelands for fallout 3 and new Vegas is pretty great, and there’s a museum mod for Skyrim that’s bigger than the main quest line and that’s without the add-ons it comes with.
Also Morrowind has Tamriel rebuilt and Skyrim: home of the Nords and those projects while far from complete are damned impressive.
I’m actually really stoked to play morrowind again, I just have to figure out how to get it modded on Linux
I believe OpenMW has a linux compatibility, OpenMW is an engine modernization mod nothing fancy just has some QoL shit and lets it play nice on modern hardware.
That’s probably the best tip I’ve gotten so far on this lol everyone else has me launching morrowind through vortex and vortex through lutris and I can’t get any of them to recognize the other.
Yeah morrowind doesnt play nice with windows 10 so I cant imagine it is particularly nice on linux. Also as a quick aside I you can mod morrowind directly through the morrowind files themselves with OpenMW, which is probably the most direct method since OpenMw doesnt have an integrated mod manager. Just a bit of fair warning morrowind is kinda arbitrary when it comes to what gets overwritten and what doesnt.
SureAI also made s fun fallout 3 mod, I think it was called the Cube.
You should look harder then, it’s just that both London and Miami have cinematic looking trailers that explode in popularity, most projects don’t have these marketing savvy people.
I’m still waiting for Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind to be completed
I’m not a fan of Bethesda in the slightest anymore, and this drives it home for me. I get that they want to update their game, good on them for updating an old game. But they release broken games that need mods to become playable. If they want to keep that ecosystem they need to quit, “breaking userspace” so to speak.
Usually this doesn’t break the mods that fix bugs. That’s almost always data changes.
It is actually impossible for any company to maintain compatibility with mods when those mods use executable injection techniques like skse for skyrim. A recompile of their source without any changes could break compatibility in that scenario.
Or, hear me out, Bethesda could add parts of the Script Extender to their actual releases, so people wouldn’t need SK/FOSE for every meaningful mod
Despite you feeling like they NEED mods to be playable, the vast majority of people play Bethesda games with no mods whatsoever, most on platforms that aren’t even capable of open modding. If you wonder why Bethesda is lukewarm on mods in recent years, look no further than this sentiment.
How dare they update their game with free bug fixes, performance improvements, features and improved graphics? Their video game I bought on sale 10 years ago for $6 is an operating system with a stable, documented API, and making that comparison doesn’t make me look insane and wildly entitled. Who cares about the 100% of people who will receive a better game for free because of this, what’s important is the 1% of people who will have to rewrite their mod so that 10% of players can use it!
Why on earth would Bethesda not want to cater to this unprofitable, demanding & entitled crowd of out-of-touch nerds who think everyone tweaks everything to hell before even trying it? I’m at a total loss.
They make broken games. You can stand up for “It just works” Todd as much as you want. He’s not going to give you a special corporate shill badge and pat you on the head.
I’m not defending them for making broken games. I’m stating a simple fact which is that most people play them as is, and patching years after release is a good thing that should be encouraged.
I’m also saying that people who use lots of mods are fickle and when they have this attitude, aren’t worth supporting at all.
They’re at least being professional about it, they’ve gone through all channels and simply don’t want to disappoint anyone. The difference between this and something like tamriel rebuilt or whatever it’s called is that this one is done, it’s ready to go and they even say it’s ready, but they don’t want it to break after the next gen update. It’ll come out, just have patience.
If anyone is looking for new fallout content there’s always the fallout new California mod for New Vegas.
Wait what?
So Bethesda is releasing a update to improve the code base.
And the volunteer modders of Fallout London are blaming Bethesda because Bethesda didn’t check in with them?
Well no, not really. They are just stating the fact that the update will almost certainly break their mod (and many others tbh) and just want time to fix it so even unexpierenced modders can enjoy it. They also say they are excited for Bethesda’s update since they love FO4.
“Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers."
“The fact that Bethesda is keeping what is an old game updated is honestly a great thing – many members of the team are very excited to see this,” he notes. “On the technical front, being able to play Fallout London with the new potential engine improvements and the performance upgrades is fantastic. It’s going to mean that we can push the engine even harder than we’ve already pushed it. This is all going to be a boon.”
The Bethesda never changes bit was a joke that in context seems like he means it in a positive way.
"Bethesda. Bethesda never changes,” he concludes with a smile.
Yeah, the “Bethesda. Bethesday never changes” seems to me to just be a reference to the iconic and memed start of FO4. “War. War never changes”. Just a little inside joke for the FO4 community
a reference to the iconic and memed start of FO4. “War. War never changes”.
All the Fallout games start that way. Not just 4.
Fallout 4 is the only one that doesn’t have Ron Pearlman saying it.
“Before you grab the pitchforks to go after Bethesda or tell us that we’re idiots and you know how to stop the update – remember, that’s you know how to do it, not the collective. This is a collective project; we want everyone to have the past four years of work to come out and be the best mod possible for all of our followers. We want to incorporate this special mod that we’ve created for everyone.”
What’s fallout London?
First sentence after the title:
Fallout London, the huge fan project taking the post-apocalyptic RPG to England,
I think it’s an overhaul mod for fallout 4 set in London.
What’s London?
Small city in Ontario Canada.
An area of land that people live on.
Any similarity to Nodnol?
Its capital is Notlob
But that’s not important now.
Not since the summer of 69
London is the capital of Great Britain.
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