Going against left populism on Lemmy.
what’s the difference of left and left populiism?
Populism is basically about simple solutions for complicated problems, and blaming every problem on a certain group of people.
From the right, the most prominent example is immigrants, while from the left, it’s mostly rich people.
well not all but most of our societal problems comes from their decisions, so i get it.
yeah, immigrants really are destroying our planet.
i think your joke went over their heads
Seems like it
I usually jump in and the guy who was getting cooked abandones ship.
They abandon ship because they realize that if they are agreeing with someone as terrible as you are then they are probably in the wrong. /s
Happens all the time here. I do on occasion show solidarity and go down with the ship though.
Oh yeah? Fuck you!
screenshot from a yt vid
What? Don’t be a bitch and jump in
I suggest taking their opinion, dialing it up to 11 and then bailing from the convo.