How is it worse when the the people that are enforcing laws and making laws are not the same? Or is this just some shitpost?
I interpreted this as “it’s shitty to write terrible laws, but even shittier to just blithely enforce them and vaguely acklowledge that they are shitty while doing so”.
After all making laws doesn’t itself matter in the slightest, what matters is enforcement so enforcing terrible laws is the worse thing.
Concrete example: Houston food not bombs. You couldn’t pay me an amount of money to harass people feeding the homeless.
Also, just following orders is not a defense.
The implication is that cops may acknowledge that a law is unjust, or flat out unconstitutional, but in the end they don’t give a shit and make the invalid “I’m just following orders” excuse to gleefully ruin your life by putting you jail for it anyway.
I think it would make more sense if it said “I don’t understand the laws, I just enforce them”, which is a very real thing.
I think OP wants to live in the world of Judge Dredd.
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They already are depending on your income.
i don’t like cops but i feel like the meme is kinda dumb
cops are a necessary evil sadly
They shouldn’t be a necessary evil, they should just be necessary.
Agreed. Look at Europe. They have the right idea when it comes to police enforcement.
They only enforce the laws they like, when they feel like enforcing them.
Sometimes they don’t even know the laws!
internet is full of auditor videos where the cops are in the wrong.
I like the idea of the auditor stuff but a lot of them just seem so insufferable.
I feel the same way, though I am not from the US so for me it’s for the most part just like looking at how fucked up it is in the US.
I wouldn’t want them making the laws either.
You don’t want to read about the police unions lobbying history, then…
Selectively enforce laws with sometimes a non appropriate amount of force, sometimes with extreme prejudice.
Would you rather them make them?
The phrase is a response to the question “why do you choose to do evil things?” And they think saying they only do it for money is somehow better than saying they agree with it. When it’s actually worse
Image Transcription:
A wojak wearing a police hat with the text “I don’t make the laws. I just enforce them.” Below is two stills from The Good Place showing Chidi talking to Eleanor. In the first still he is saying “Okay. But that’s worse.” In the second still he continues “You do get how that’s worse, right?”
[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]
Interesting shaped face.
Police already have a shit load to do they shouldn’t be required to write laws.
That should be given to an entirely different group of people that either study law and are experts in the matter or are voted in to create new laws.
Also independence is great or you can have a police state
Seriously this is like post colonial Africa logic.
Ehhh technically everyone is making the laws via voting for their representatives. So you both made the laws, and the cop is enforcing them.
Depending on his department, more like th DA enforcing them since they won’t bother with anything that’s pointless usually.
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And yet Republicans continue to vote in representatives who legislate against their own interests because of single issue voting.
They know what they’re doing. They don’t care about the hypocrisy.
You can’t have 4 years of Trump and pretend white women and Latinos didn’t vote for him in greater numbers round 2. They know what they’re voting for.
Dispel the notion they don’t know what they’re doing. They know exactly what they’re doing lol.
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That technically wasn’t a law, it was a court case.
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Aww, you still think that politicians accurately represent the wishes of the people who voted for them? That’s adorable! 🥹
So stop voting in Republicans who legislate against your own interests lol.
Yeah because all Democrats are great 🙄 You blue no matter who zombies would do well to remember that the lesser evil is still evil.
For all the campaign trail promises and press releases, there’s maybe a dozen US national level politicians who aren’t the loyal lapdogs of billionaires and their corporations and Biden is NOT amongst that dozen.
eh, maybe if we started from scratch every year.
Trust me, I didn’t make the laws.
Not a voter eh? RIP.
I don’t get why you’re heavily downvoted
His comment is just logical fallacies that move the goalpost. Lawmakers make the laws and cops enforce them. But he wants me to believe voters make the laws and the DA enforces them.
You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means lol.
Also, true objective reality doesn’t care what you believe. You can shove your head in the sand as much as you want to. It doesn’t change the fact that the systems in place are largely due to the will of the people electing them. For better or worse. Yes, that just means that a large portion of your neighbors and potentially friends vote for people who want to remove your rights, and opt for fascist nationalist Christian nation in the USA.
Really? I see it at 9/1 on my side lol.