Beat me to it by mere minutes.
Also, fuck Steven “Emotional Abuser” Chowder.
the poster child for all screaming, pants-wetting Momma’s Boys
Is he an ass? The name sounds sort of familiar, but I don’t know who this dude is.
Yes. Yes he is. I didn’t realize that meme was him. Now I’m retroactively pissed.
Damn, I just know the meme. This is why we can’t have nice things.
What a tool
His sole piece of merchandise reads “Socialism Is For F*gs.” Asterisk included.
He claims it says “figs.” Because he’s an idiot, and he thinks you are too.
Jesus christ
Is there a meme generator for this?
We can only hope someone will make one using this, I (like many) hate the guy in the original picture from this post.
I really need to get back into webdev
If you have the skill, you would be the hero we need.
No, he does not. He doesn’t even deserve to be remembered at all.
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I’m first in line. Fixes all my problems.
Physical Disability? Not anymore as the nanites fix shit and build implants to compensate.
Limited Resources? Nope. Don’t gotta worry about whether I’d get to the food bank in time or what bills to pay now!
Loneliness? Literally impossible
Mental Health? No mental left to health.
Theres a good chance most of us wouldn’t be considered worthwhile drones, to be honest.
I would be broken down into nutrients instantly.
Thank you for your sacrifice
Been there.
I’d be OK with being turned into nutrients
Something something circle of life
At least I’d be useful for once ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I believe in you, too!
Still, at least I’d be useful for something
“A remarkable creature. Your design nearly passes as human.”
“…I am human?”
“Ew! well, then you need to drink more water.”
Is that an actual line from the doctor?
It’s from Lower Decks. A simulation of the Borg Queen says this to Boimler while he’s taking a test on a mini-holodeck.
Then gooify me Alienware Dommy mommy
- physical disability: that might just get you euthanized.
- limited resources: again, I see euthanasia as a possible Borg solution.
- loneliness: ever heard of being lonely in a crowd?
- mental health: again, a malfunctioning drone would likely just get euthanized.
Some of these points assume the Borg we saw outside of Voyager, because Voyager really neutered the Borg in so many ways.
- Physical Disability: I’m okay with that
- Limited Resources: I’m okay with that
- Loneliness: Painfully aware
- Mental Health: I’m okay with that
Still a step up in all honesty.
Loneliness? Literally impossible
This is my sticking point. There’s nothing better than the feeling of being alone in the house, at least for a little while.
Now if it came with a fully customizable virtual world where I could be alone if I wanted to, then I’d be down.
Isn’t that just Unimatrix Zero?
Well if I’m going to have to worry about the borg queen trying to crush Unimatrix Zero, forgettaboudit.
Alternatively: You have no distinctiveness that will augment our own, so we’re going to liquefy you and feed you to the childborgs.
Better situation than what I got going
If I was accepted as a drone, it’d be fine by me. I’m so tired of worrying about everyday existence in the devolving hellscape of a world we now occupy.
But, if you have a physical disability, they don’t bother assimilating you I thought?
The Earth First faction would totally gaslight everyone about the existence of the Borg.
The Borg?! Ha! Yet another radical leftist Federation boogeyman! I’ll bet credits to navy beans that it’s just an excuse to expand Starfleet and take away your phasers! Wolf 359 was an inside job! But in case you do get infected with nanoprobes be sure to buy my Ivermectin^TM brand purity pills, only 4 bars of Gold Pressed Latinum!
Lol that just made me realize the terrorist group from enterprise was called Terra Prime. Damnit how did I not see it!
Depressingly accurate
Fuck Steven Crowder
I’d rather not
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In my headcanon, the Borg eventually reach a truce with the Federation, and over time eventually become full-fledged members of the Federation. That’s CRAZY right?..Is it? I mean, the Federation warred with the Klingons and Romulans, and look how those relationships changed over time.
How about the Borg’s willingness to join? What we’ve been seeing over the years is that the Borg adapt. Their willingness to adapt had been established from their very introduction as a faceless hive-mind. Over the course of the franchise, they’ve experimented with individuality with Locutus, Borg Queens, becoming so infatuated with individuality that they even dispatched 7 of 9 to live amongst Starfleet to investigate directly, and then instead of efficiently assimilating her to gain her knowledge, they choose not to re-assimilate her so that they could ask her about that experience and avoid corrupting that knowledge via assimilation. Why is the Borg so interested? The Borg found that Federation individuality had repeatedly repelled Borg invasions when Borg calculations indicated that they should have won, and even after re-adjusting for past failures, the Borg still found themselves stymied in encounters with Starfleet. The Borg were even saved from total extinction by the ingenuity of individual creativity and a temporary alliance with a Starfleet ship. That is a huge motivator for the Borg to re-assess their approach and look for a new way to adapt to prevent their vulnerability to a similar event in the future.
Would the Federation be open to it? Like I said, they’ve allied with past enemies before. Ex-Borg members of Voyager served with distinction. Borg tech has proven invaluable to Voyager’s return. Most importantly, Borg Drones are not undead zombies! Assimilation is a reversible condition, and that means that instead of hating the Borg for killing their loved ones, the Borg ARE their loved ones. Moreover, Borg assimilation is a weapon of mass diplomacy. Chakotay found that the hive-mind allowed warring alpha-quadrant races to all live in harmony in the Delta Quadrant, and losing access to the hive-mind allowed their old destructive conflicts to creep back in, and ultimately they reinstated a local hive-mind to regain peace. Chakotay joined that hivemind and came away from it with unparalleled understanding and empathy for the other members of the collective, and an overall positive experience, and he disconnected with immediate recovery and no ill-effects!
That is a game-changer, it allows the Starfleet to show up on the door of a new alien race, and those aliens would naturally be cautious, suspicious, mistrustful of the Federation’s intentions. First contact is extremely dangerous. An alliance with the Borg could allow Starfleet to establish first contact by saying, “We come in peace”, assimilating the alien envoy, and then the alien representatives would know that Starfleet truly and honestly means to “come in peace”, casting aside all suspicion of ulterior motives. Starfleet then disconnects the alien envoy from the local hivemind, and then those envoys can go home and sing Starfleet’s virtues to the rest of their race.
So basically kidnapping and brainwashing them into believing we are good?
Yeah, I doubt the Federation would be on board with that. They rather take the difficult route.
I would absolutely line up to be assimilated. I’d be guaranteed a job that mattered, I’d always be with family and friends, I’d be part of a group that was always working towards a common goal, and I’d be happy; the borg that are disconnected from the collective are clearly deeply distressed by the experience. Plus, I’d be stronger and more capable as a borg than I can even imagine right now.
As long as people are making the choice to join the collective, why is it anyone else’s business?
Yeah, right? Sign me up. Free healthcare too
What a wonderful phrase
Ain’t no passing craze
It means no worries
For the rest of your days
It’s our problem-free philosophy
Lemmy is better than Reddit because people here take the time to use the right number of syllables.
And also all the other reasons
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Beam me in, Scotty!
I am Excretus of Borg
How can I join, pls?
Wait no. You guys aren’t supposed to be excited about it.
Too bad!
Don’t tell me how to live my life
OUR life
I thought that was exactly what you wanted.
Modern people with tortured minds would probably be happier as Borg, but in Star Trek’s time they presumably have effective treatments for it so it’s not so appealing.
In other words, yes, there would be a decent chunk of volunteers.
Wasn’t being part of the collective “eternal suffering”? I know that’s not far from average life, but at least I can hope life will get better.
In Picard it makes you feel constant euphoria. Which actually makes sense as a way of stopping people fighting against it.
i think that’s what the line up to the summit of Everest must be about… they get teleported up to the Hive from there, and get their implants…
I mean… What’s wrong with assimilation other than it being forced on people?
Edit: Seriously. I’d love to see real opinions on the idea of borg assimilation, assuming that it’s not forced. Obviously forcing it is evil, but what about the inherent nature of the process, what it does, and what happens to your mind?
Assimilated drones immediately lose all autonomy, and can never regain it without outside influence (which they will likely be compelled to resist). It’s functionally suicide, except that your body and mind continue to be used for whatever purpose by an entity you have effectively no control over.
I understand joking about the benefits relative to the frequently unpleasant world we live in now, but I have serious concerns about anyone who would rather be a Borg drone than an ordinary 24th century Federation citizen.
I mostly question what the collective is like from the inside. The descriptions we get in the show tend to just say it’s a constant cocophony of voices. To me, that implies the individual minds still exist within it, they just all share a collective voice. But at the same time, they have the queen and they kind of imply the queen directs the hive mind or at least is a manager of some kind. I’m a bit of a singularist, so some aspects of the Borg are just fascinating to me. I am fine with giving up physical autonomy to exist as just a mind in a collection of other minds; but I would still want my voice to matter and help shape the collective.
Perhaps not with the Borg, but I just don’t have fears toward the merging into a collective part. The body horror is scary and really just because it looks painful as hell to be assimilated.
Or perhaps I’m just envious of Picard and Seven who got to experience something most don’t. Even if it was a bad experience… I really gravitate toward experiences that are aren’t real or impossible for me to have. I know I am of the time Picard lived an entire lifetime in his mind because of an alien probe. That would be dope.
The voice of an individual in the collective is roughly equivalent to a vote in a democracy: it’s real and it’s there, but there are so many other votes/minds involved that the chances of yours having any influence at are are negligible.
I value democracy and community, but I’m not willing to put every single action I take,however small, up to a public vote.
Depends. Do they have good dental insurance?