Scooter enjoying some catnip. Do your cats eat it too? All three of my cats will sit and eat it for a while before flopping down and rubbing it all over themselves and the floor.
Faces of nip.
I bought a catnip plant and my cat cannot get enough of it. Munches on it daily. Highly recommend.
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This is actually so smart, I’ll have to remember this tip if I ever have a rodent infestation in my garden.
Catnip flowers are also very attractive to pollinators, so that’s another benefit your mum got! Hopefully the cats don’t try to eat any bees.
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Does it affect or otherwise attract mountain lions? I live in a mountain range that has a small but significant mountain lion presence, so while my cat would love to have some live catnip around and I’d love to have some more pollinators, I really don’t need to increase the odds of a mountain lion hanging around.
He is in bat country
My two cats do exactly the same thing. I put the nip in the tops to large food containers so that it helps contain the nip a bit better while hopefully being easy to roll in after they’ve had a good nosh. They are the messiest stoners.