"How has Stein fared as a leader? By AOC’s perfectly reasonable standard, she’s done abysmally. As of July 2024, a mere 143 officeholders in the United States are affiliated with the Green Party. None of them are in statewide or federal offices. In fact, no Green Party candidate has ever won federal office. And Stein’s reign has been a period of indisputable decline, during which time the party’s membership—which peaked in 2004 at 319,000 registered members—has fallen to 234,000 today.

This meager coalition can’t possibly kick-start a legitimate political movement, capable of organizing voters and advancing ideas outside of perennial electoral events. It’s just large enough, however, to spoil the work of those who put in this kind of work."

  • @Chapelgentry
    96 hours ago

    Wait, the Green Party only had 300k members at it’s peak? That’s 0.001% of the American population. Why are all the tankies in here talking about how voting for Stein will make a difference? That’s not even enough to consider her a contender in most states, much less for the whole country.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      12 hours ago

      Hey, at their peak, when Nader was running in 2000 and Bush was installed as President by the Supreme Court, the Greens got 2.7% of the vote!

      The best they’ve done since then is Stein in 2016 with 1.07%.

      Generally, they’re 0.1%, 0.3%. In that range.

    • ArxCyberwolf
      66 hours ago

      Because they can smugly claim to have accomplished something with their vote while the country burns around them. Must be nice not being at risk under a Trump administration.

  • @[email protected]
    1410 hours ago

    Jill Stein is so bad that if I lived in a ranked choice voting state, I would still rank her pretty low.

  • @[email protected]
    4112 hours ago

    When I was a teenager and foolish and a republican, we campaigned for the green party because we thought we could trick democrats into voting green but we’d never get them to vote republican. make of that what you will.

    • @[email protected]
      1912 hours ago

      It’s literally one of the things they do every election. This isn’t new. Or even news. Unless people were living under a rock, or blind.

      Just like Russia, China, etc help any misinformation and disinformation campaign they can all over the world in other countries. All chaos is good for them in the end. Even if their ideal candidate doesn’t win, the bickering they help stole makes it harder for other countries to rally very well against their interests.

      It’s the same reason the US has done the same shit all over as well. Promoting and supporting coups is a national passtime because it helps the US indirectly either way.

  • cabbage
    13116 hours ago

    It’s a two party system. Everybody knows if you run as a third party you’re merely increasing the chances that the ones furthest from you politically will be elected.

    It’s impossible for a third party candidate to be running for president in the US in good faith unless they’re complete fucking idiots with no idea how the political system works.

    Jill Stein knows how the system works. So obviously she’s not acting in good faith.

    Simple as that.

    • @[email protected]
      15 hours ago

      There’s room for 3rd party candidates who have principals that voters can compare candidates to and not let the 2 party system shift in whatever direction it wants as soon as the 2 parties start racing to the bottom. But if you accept Putin’s money and influence it is your party who is racing to the bottom and you have no principles so that’s when you become a useless drain.

  • @[email protected]
    410 hours ago

    What a bad article. Too small to matter, but big enough to matter. Come on now, get your story straight.

  • @[email protected]
    3717 hours ago

    It makes total sense for Russia to make Jill Stein a Russian asset because it neutralizes an anti-oil organization. Oil is very important to Russia’s economy so of course they don’t want any phase-out of fossil fuels.

    • @[email protected]
      310 hours ago

      It’s much more simple. If Trump wins, Russia gets the Ukraine. Putin put the war in motion thinking Trump was a sure bet last election.

      It why Trump is trying to pull us out of all our treaties. I think he gives Putin a run at all of Europe possibly.

  • @[email protected]
    713 hours ago

    Reactionary people are unable to accept that some of us are socialists who have an absolute fear of more orange bad. I love where I live and planned to stay the rest of my life, but will be forced (by my own standards and fear) to leave the country if he returns to office.

  • @[email protected]
    1316 hours ago

    ITT: Blue MAGA and preaching to the choir.

    Dr. Jill Stein has improved the Green Party; y’all just believe anything the duopoly and owner-class media spit out when it agrees with your thinking.

    Muslim support is at an all-time high for Dr. Jill Stein; that is why AOCPelosi, the new attack dog of Blue MAGA, started up again.

    I suggest getting out of the echo chambers and checking out independent journalists instead of continuing the self-censorship.

    • @[email protected]
      1713 hours ago

      Oh it’s our resident “independent journalism” guy who seems to post nothing but far-right podcasts.

    • @[email protected]
      1315 hours ago

      Dr. Jill Stein has improved the Green Party; y’all just believe anything the duopoly and owner-class media spit out when it agrees with your thinking.

      In what ways, alongside the one point mentioned, and according to what sources (presumably not from the party itself)?

    • @[email protected]
      1015 hours ago

      The greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.

      ~Aldous Huxley

      • @[email protected]
        914 hours ago

        Wow! Never read that quote. Perfectly explains how American politics got to be such a mess. I laugh at all the revolutionary talk around here.

        material comforts

        Yeah, no, we’re so well-fed we have to find excuses for our rampant obesity. There won’t be a revolution until people are literally fighting for food and our masters will never allow that to come to pass. Look at lemmy, bitching and moaning about video game prices and such. We’re pretty fucking far from lacking material comforts. To add, a lot of people think they’re suffering, but haven’t seen a day of true poverty in their lives. Y’all, you’re suffering in comparison to what could and should be.

        cherished beliefs

        As fast as we in the West are dropping religion, notice the politicians haven’t done anything about the rampant sex abuse? Taxing the church? Unheard of! Let the masses have their silly beliefs, stick to the middle of the road if you must, get elected again.

  • @[email protected]
    1917 hours ago

    Can you imagine if you campaigned against trump half as much as you campaign against progressive parties?

    • themeatbridge
      5417 hours ago

      Jill Stein is a lot of things, but “progressive” ain’t one of 'em. I’d love for Harris and the Dems to be more progressive, but they’re going to need a better example than Stein.

        • @[email protected]
          612 hours ago

          Ah yes, the platform of a candidate that does not have a chance at win ing, even by mistake, and can say whatever the fuck they want because of it.

        • @[email protected]
          314 hours ago

          No one is going to read that, let alone answer you. See, this is a Stein hate thread, you’ve already lost the game.

          (I know nothing about her.)

          • the post of tom joad
            13 hours ago

            And while your first point is sound, the buried lede, (the part in parenthesis) is the real point, isn’t it?

            dems itt maybe knew her name before the party started smearing her. wonder how many will ever bother to look her up?

    • the post of tom joad
      916 hours ago

      Or if for policies popular with a wide swath of America? Naw. I believe what MSNBC and all the real adults in the room agree with:

      Our party should ebrace moderate Republicans! Smear the greens! Keep leftist spoiler parties off the ballot! Dismiss Dem party dissidents as traitors and foreign assets! This is what real leftists do. All leftists to the left of me are actually to the right.

      I would know, i’m a Democrat, and I’m as left as they come

      • @[email protected]
        813 hours ago

        Oh, yeah, me too, I am a very far left lefty. That’s why when it comes to elections I ignore groups like Uncommitted and instead vote how the furthest right group wants lefties to vote.

  • @[email protected]
    412 hours ago

    If there’s such a fear of third parties cleaving off votes from the Democrats, why have they never tried to mobilize similar forces on the right?

    We had the Libertarians right there, before they imploded.

    • @[email protected]
      1112 hours ago

      The Republican party saw it happening and absorbed it. Groups like the Tea Party were a very real threat to Republican party candidacy in elections. They absorbed the groups and shifted more right to integrate them.

      The Democrat leadership however aren’t willing to actually shift left. They current Dem leadership aren’t actually radically left at all like the Republicans keep trying to convince people. They keep shifting right along with everything else taking the Overton window with them.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hours ago

        Because people on the left are mostly younger and they won’t vote no matter what you promise them, even if it’s everything that they want to be promised.

    • LustyArgonianMana
      510 hours ago

      Because Democrats are honestly bad at their jobs. I can’t come to any other conclusion - whether it’s intentional or just basic incompetence, I’m not sure. There’s no Mitch McConnell Dem equivalent, including Nancy Pelosi. The current Supreme Court justice mess is due to Dem strategy fuckups on multiple levels.