2024-08c lats

A revival of the #CastroomCasterConvention #CCC. We had this “little brother” of the #CastCamp already twice, but long long time ago. This revival with 9 caster in total was amazing and it helped a lot to shorten the time until we get back to Denmark. I had the chance to wear an #orange #lats for this exciting weekend!

#gay #castfetish #gaycastfetish #gayfetish #castbondage #gaycastbondage #brokenleg #gips #platre #cast #gipsfetisch #schwul #gesso #yeso #fibercast #legcast #llc #slc #slwc #gipsbein #toeplate #walkingheel #castshoe #armcast #lac #lats #sac #sats #brokenwrist #brokenarm #brokenhand #brokenthumb #gipsarm