• @[email protected]
    75 hours ago

    Oof. I just realized something. There must be people whose job it is to translate the transcription of Trump’s speeches into other languages. Journalists might have to do it for media in their country. People working in the diplomatic / spy apparatus of their countries might need to track what an American president / presidential candidate says in case it is important to their national interests.

    Can you imagine having to do that, to structure what he says so that it vaguely makes some kind of sense in another language?

    I also wonder if there’s a way that a screenwriter could organize, punctuate and annotate this mess so that an actor could deliver these lines the same way. Like, it’s obviously a word salad, but there’s a variety in the kinds of emphasis he uses for certain words or phrases. Since there’s no “natural” way to say all those words, I wonder if there’s a way to transcribe it so that an actor could say the words in the same way without having to listen to the speech.

  • @[email protected]
    6318 hours ago


    • @[email protected]
      5617 hours ago

      I realized in a reddit argument a while back that one huge difference between Trump supporters and the rest of us is: Trump supporters expect less from Trump. Hold him to a lower standard than they hold themselves or non-supporters to.

      In the argument, I had a supporter tell me that “raking the leaves” was advocating wildfire management – including controlled burns. And the person followed it up with remarks along the lines of, “you should have been smart enough to know that’s what he was saying.”

      Which was crazy to me because:

      • they were measuring my intelligence by my ability to come up with numerous unique rephrasings and potential meanings to Trump’s words
      • they were scoring higher than Trump by their own intelligence metric
        • Trump could only come up with “raking the leaves” and the commenter came up with “as a country, we should be putting more resources into wildfire management”, a much more coherent and intelligent phrasing
      • in expecting me to be able to read multiple meanings into “raking the leaves”, this person was ALSO expecting me to score higher on this measure of intelligence than Trump. And calling me stupid for not outscoring Trump.

      Basically told me that if I wasn’t smarter than Trump, I was stupid.

      I pointed this out to them and never got a response.

      Anyways, different standards. According to Trump supporters:

      • if you’re no smarter than Trump, you are an idiot;
      • if you’re no kinder than Trump, you are sadistic and malicious;
      • if you are no more effective than Trump, you are useless,
      • But Trump is the smartest, kindest, most valuable person there is.
      • @[email protected]
        1716 hours ago

        This is the best explanation of his cult that I have ever seen! Wow. Honesty VP Harris should just read off your explanation in her next attack ad.

        No joke, you should consider cleaning that up and posting it.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Probably pointless fact check for the non word salad part:

    Elon has never landed anything on the moon.

    Further context:

    Elon has received roughly $3 billion of taxpayer money before 2022 (and another $1.7 billion in 2022) to create a system capable (Starship + Heavy Booster) of delivering and returning humans to and from the moon by Q1 2025.

    It was supposed to have conducted an orbital flight test in early 2022, and so far has only accomplished a few semi-successful suborbital flights, which have prompted Elon to downgrade the supposed mass to orbit capacity in half, from 100 to 50 tons, (proven cargo capacity so far is 0, even for suborbital), and state that there will now be a Starship/Heavy Booster 2 and 3, entirely new and untested rockets which appear nowhere in any of the government funding agreements.

    In orbit refueling has not been demonstrated, Starship has not returned from orbit or suborbit or the moon or anywhere other than small test hops without exploding on impact or melting in reentry…

    …when it should have completed an uncrewed Moon landing and return about 8 or 9 months ago, and by now should be human rated.

    … And this is the person Trump wants to be in charge of finding and eliminating wasteful government spending.

      • Kalkaline
        920 hours ago

        You can try, but the dementia will always win as it’s a progressive disease with no cure.

        • @Bertz
          415 hours ago

          Dementia is a syndrome, multiple symptoms correlated from diseases, like Alzheimer’s… nbd tho

      • @[email protected]
        19 hours ago

        Yeah the fourth year in a row he said fully self driving cars are going to be market ready in a few months it really sank. Also remember when Google was trying to develop a self driving car and got millions of dollars and several years into the testing process and concluded modern technology is so far away from being able to make a self driving car that they stopped trying for the foreseeable future? That’s fascinating.

        • @[email protected]
          419 hours ago

          What I find really wild how few years ago he was basically trying to appeal at the green crowd to sell his cars as a progressive revolution. But he his showing his real self now to sell to conservative people. It shows that it’s never really been to be greener, but only to make money. I’ve always hated to see people seeing him has a demi god. As it’s really unhealthy to see anyone that way.

    • @[email protected]
      322 hours ago

      Additional info: The Beresheet lander that crashed into the moon a few years back was launched on a Falcon 9, but after that, he had nothing to do with it. It also crash landed.

  • @[email protected]
    821 day ago

    I’ve had more normal conversations with people on the tail end of a 3 day meth binge and I am not exaggerating in the slightest

    • @[email protected]
      201 day ago

      Unironically same, I’ve had convos with multiple meth and fentanyl addicts that make more sense.

      • @[email protected]
        818 hours ago

        Before the disease takes its toll, I have found alcoholics and addicts to be genuinely smart people. Priorities are usually a bit out of whack, but other than that, I usually can’t say anything too bad unless there is some serious criminal activity at play.

        While I don’t go to AA anymore due to some core philosophical disagreements, there is still some good content to be found. Mainly, that alcoholics and addicts are simply sick, in the context of this discussion.

        Once you get past the outward issues usually on display, there are real people behind the mask of addiction. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time before the brain-rot kicks in and most hope is lost. (I have seen some really cool recovery cases though.)

    • wagesj45
      1822 hours ago

      He’s referring to the “rallies” that Biden would have durring covid where small tables would be set out with a circle drawn on the ground with lots of space in between.

      • @[email protected]
        514 hours ago

        To be clear, that’s the only sense that people have managed to make of it. That doesn’t mean that was actually what he was referring to.

      • @[email protected]
        619 hours ago

        So he’s selling that old lie that getting a big rally or parade going is equivalent to votes cast and any numbers outside of those expectations is somehow a terrible injustice?

  • @[email protected]
    251 day ago

    It’s hard to tell if it’s total nonsense or just nonsense if you’re not up to speed on the Fox Cinematic Universe

    Aka, total nonsense but the long way…

    • @[email protected]
      381 day ago

      The circles he may be referencing were from 2020 when corona was at its peak, Biden had a town hall or something outside and they had very few people there with everyone spread out in their own circle to socially distance if I remember correctly. Still has not a damn thing to do with Elon or Rockets, just that there were some circles in each story. But you know, he was doing the weave again so he thinks he sounded smart at least.

        • @[email protected]
          518 hours ago

          Alright. I’m Black and I have to say this scene does make me laugh, albeit I don’t know how to feel about it.

          • @[email protected]
            115 hours ago

            I’m white, and I think what makes it funny, like most of the movie, is the absurdism of it. It only works by having an old white lady being the one who understands black slang

            • @[email protected]
              28 hours ago

              That old white lady was the actress who played June Cleaver of “Leave It To Beaver” - a 50s(?) b&w white-bread conservative-family-values-americana TV show

              That was the biggest part of the gag.

            • @[email protected]
              18 hours ago

              I know why it’s funny. The joke is extremely obvious, but it’s like laughing at Cartman being racist in South Park. The show is hilarious and I feel “bad” at laughing at some jokes. That’s all.

      • snooggums
        181 day ago

        Attempting to explain what Trump means is sanewashing and makes him look less incoherent.

        Just let his words speak for themselves.

          • @[email protected]
            322 hours ago

            Honestly I feel like trying to find the root of his bullshit and how specifically it’s so radically off-base is actually kind of an important part of the project Otherwise the follower crowd will just claim that he’s not being given a fair shake, when he was obviously talking about (insert a brief and misleading explanation of the circle thing that actually does try to make it make sense).

            That’s what the whole narrative is built on, after al I’ll.

      • GladiusB
        219 hours ago

        Thank god you explained it. I have read it three times and I still don’t have a fucking clue what he was after with that part.

      • @[email protected]
        51 day ago

        I thought he meant the circles of Hell and just lost count. Either way, he thought they were beautiful, and he’s sad that they couldn’t fill them up!

    • @[email protected]
      423 hours ago

      Sonic would beat the shit out of Trump without a second thought. He isn’t a Freedom Fighter for nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    41 day ago

    Sounds like he’s just listened to War of the Worlds? Cylinders came from Mars, slowly unscrewed themselves and out popped critters larger than a bear, with snake-like tentacles.