Seit das Deutsche Reich besteht, wird die Schraube nach rrrrechts gedreht… “Since the beginning of the German Reich, screws are turned to the rrrright.”
Ich kenne das als “solange das deutsche Recht besteht”
I have long history of being intrigued by this phrase. I wonder which Reich it refers to?
Probably those spiky helmet dudes
I liked the one about how to tell the various 20th-century German flags apart: “if the flag has yellow, he’s a fine fellow; if the flag has white, you’re in for a fight”.
This really needs to be on a t-shirt, with a person in black block holding a screwdriver in one hand and a Molotov cocktail in the other.
No one liberates.
The USA will liberate you of any oil and fundamental human rights.
Everyone oppresses
Es la verdad.
Mit rechts steckt’s, mit links gelingt’s.
(With right it’s stuck, with left it succeeds).
As Argentinian, I think it’s the inverse here. We’re pretty screwed right now, and it wasn’t for going right.
Peronism is not a coherent ideology.
The left liberates you of your income.
fox news ass take
here’s a political compass for reference
If that’s a serious comment, that compass isn’t really helpful, simplifies things and wrongly leads to believe a center exists. Authoritarians are not left.
Where would you place Stalin in that compass?
Dicht rechts, Open links. DROL
Nederlanders altijd met hun vieze praat.
Spanish forever! 🇪🇦