It already didn’t look great for Lauren Boebert when she got kicked out of a Denver theater for being disruptive during a performance of the Beetlejuice musical — or when video emerged of the voluble Republican congresswoman being escorted out of the theater. But that was hardly the end of this saga. A second video showed Boebert vaping in front of a pregnant woman, who claimed that the lawmaker refused to stop doing so when asked. The story really went nuclear when a third surveillance video leaked, showing that Boebert and her date were getting awfully comfortable with each other during the show.
Unfortunately for Boebert’s campaign to rebrand as a normal lawmaker, more juicy details keep coming out. Boebert — who has condemned drag shows in the past — was co-groping at Beetlejuice with an Aspen bar owner whose establishment hosts drag shows and participates in an event called Aspen Gay Ski Week. “I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert told TMZ, although the pair have been reportedly seeing each other for months now.
In an interview with OAN, Boebert, who has been arrested four times, said that she is “very known for having an animated personality.” But the private incident in public is having a big impact on her professional life, distracting from her effort to impeach President Biden. Days after the incident, she was removed from the list of speakers for the Texas Youth Summit later this month.
At least she has her defenders. In a long Facebook post published Monday, Boebert’s ex-husband, Jayson, said he shared the blame for the incident, claiming that his acts of cheating “broke her down.” While it’s odd to have your recent ex-husband come to your defense for getting handsy in public, Jayson Boebert is something of an expert in this realm, having once been arrested for exposing himself to a teenager at a bowling alley.
But she can shake a dick at a theater.
Her first husband wiped his dick out in a bowling alley the first time they met…
This time the dick stayed in her dates pants, so I guess she’s maturing?
Whipped. He whipped his dick out. Wiping ones dick out in a bowling alley conjures incredibly unfortunate mind-images. Like Kingpin except Woody gets murdered and then it’s just Amish Cousin Eddie evading taxes and cursing the United States from Canada for the next 80 minutes.
I think you meant “whipped” but PLEASE do not correct it. Wiped is so much better.
I wonder, if you rip your dick off at a bowling alley in front of teenagers, does that count as a sex offense?
He might’ve wiped his dick, but we’re all sure he whipped it out.
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“I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert told TMZ
Doesn’t this entirely invalidate the claims of people like Boebert that woke-ism ruins people’s personalities and thought processes? Shouldn’t she be able to see that this guy was a degenerate trans groomer or whatever without needing to know his “political affiliation”?
If not, perhaps the negative side effects of people-with-different-opinions is not actually a fatal condition, after all.
you’re applying logic.
you’re not the target audience.Fellow freaks found each other and now she decides that her shiat doesn’t stink. Hope she stocks up on ‘c’ batteries cuz that the closest she’s gonna get to getting her ditch itched
getting her ditch itched
Stealing that.
Dude, republican degens would line up to drink her bathwater. She’s gonna be fine.
Doesn’t this entirely invalidate the claims of people like Boebert that woke-ism ruins people’s personalities and thought processes?
We really gotta stop giving a shit what these people think.
Except a lot of “these people” are running our government…
Is that why she now avoids Republican dates or is it size?
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showing that Boebert and her date were getting awfully comfortable with each other during the show.
The fuck is with all these news articles and just glazing over the most egregious acts?
She wasnt getting “awfully comfortable” she was fuckin jerking the dude off and getting her tits pulled out and fondled in a public space where children were present.
Stop sugar coating it. She should be put in a jail cell or out on bond right now. Countless grown adults have been permanently marked as a sexual predator for life for much less than that.
Why the fuck is she not out on bond right now, or in a cell? It was caught live on camera???
Indeed. She is now a sex criminal, regardless if police have the temerity to go after it.
The last line also way underplays it. Boebert was the minor
Why the fuck is she not out on bond right now, or in a cell?
Two reasons, (R) and ($).
I’d like to see her face charges. If you or I did something like this, we would be registered sex offenders. You’d think the party of “law and order” would be calling for her to step down and face the music…
You’d think the party of “law and order” would be calling for her to step down and face the music…
Nah, it’s only a problem if the other tribe does it.
Democrats would be screaming for a resignation, and they would get it. Appalling the GOP skates over shit like this, with zero shame.
I’m sure she’s getting a solid talking to, behind closed doors.
Democrats would be screaming for a resignation, and they would get it.
See: Al Franken
Republicans operate on a very strict internal “no accountability” model. A “whataboutism” isn’t just a defense to the outsider it is a thought terminating measure to the party member. They are trained when approached with fault to immediately and thoughtlessly dismiss it and turn around and point at some form of impropriety elsewhere. Their presidential candidate has provably done any number of things - at this point criminal and immoral - but a lot of them defend him by saying that they don’t care if it’s true because they would still vote for him even if it was.
The left ( the Democrats to a far lesser degree) however is accountability hungry. If one of their own is prone to gross hypocrisy most people will turn on them like a pack of wolves and work to fully contextualize it to determine exactly how much “fuck that guy” should be applied. Did they apologize? Do they understand what they did and have it properly explained ? Did they mean it? Did they try to defend themselves for the indefensible or did they properly take their lumps ? Is the mistake such that a genuine promise to do better is enough that further consequences should be applied or does this damage this person’s character so much that they can never be trusted again?
The different mindsets are irreconcilable to each other. Republicans can’t generally understand the nature of the leftist distain for the Democrats as “the party with a more tolerable tab of lukewarm behaviour that will be voted for in absence of an actual paragon”. But they recognize it as a weakness that they can exploit.
Rather than calling out their hypocrisy I like to just call them out for what they actually believe. When they say “law and order” it is a dogwhistle. And they don’t believe in egalitarianism when it comes to the law or anything else. Rules for me and not for thee because they believe they exist higher up in a socioeconomic “hierarchy”. So they don’t deserve to go to jail for public display of sex but the “others” they perceived as below them deserve to go to jail for performing a drag show.
I like to just call them out for what they actually believe.
They don’t. Republicans and right-wingers in the US don’t actually believe in anything. The only thing they believe in is power. They will say and do anything to obtain and retain it.
Cult 45 believes in what they’re told to believe.
While it’s odd to have your recent ex-husband come to your defense for getting handsy in public, Jayson Boebert is something of an expert in this realm, having once been arrested for exposing himself to a teenager at a bowling alley.
AristocatsConservatives!I’m not sure if it was the bowling alley incident, but he exposed himself to Lauren and some of her friends when they were underage. Who sees an older man flash them and says “that’s the guy I’m going to marry?” (Well, apparently, Lauren Boebert.)
Maybe he’s a Hunter Biden type?
Just *chef’s kiss*.
On one hand I find the American prudishness extremely ridiculous and amusing. On the other hand I get the outrage. - Not because of tiddies but because of the blatantly obvious hypocracy.
She was performing sexual acts in front of stranger’s children, at a theater. I don’t care what country you live in, that’s not appropriate behavior.
As well as blowing thc vapor at a pregnant woman.
I mean, that sounds bad, but this is a politician. Their not held to the same standards as the rest of us. /s
Oh shit here we go^^ I’d agree if they actually had sex - that would actually be inappropriate. But what we saw was some light fondling - in a dark theater.
You see, children dont automatically oversexualize everything they see or hear like many adults do. I remember running in on my mom and dad when i was a kid - they were horribly ashamed but I didnt give a shit - because I had no context and therefore it couldn’t have disturbed me in the slightest.
But boy oh boy these things seem different in the 'states :-D Just pure hypocracy and prudishness on all fronts. Not that I mind that much - I dont have to live there.
e: grammar
e2: y’all a bunch of American superprudes lol
She was jerking her date off with her tits out in a theatre, that’s pretty inappropriate
Maybe your definition of “jerking off” just differs from mine?! I saw her kneading his dong through his pants. Thats not “jerking off” in my books - not by a longshot. But I also am willing to accept different interpretations. Says here its just “masturbating”. No definition wheter nakedness is required or not. So… I dunno 🙃
Her tits were pretty far out tho - I’ll give you that.
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I saw her kneading his dong through his pants. Thats not “jerking off” in my books - not by a longshot.
I’d say your goalposts have wheels, but this seems more like a jet engine.
You’re missing where she exhaled her vape in a pregnant woman’s face AFTER being asked not to vape in the theater.
But it was enough to be captured on video and for people to ask them to stop vaping and stop taking flash photos.
This is a weird take. What she did isn’t as bad as her reaction to it and even despite that it was clearly disruptive enough that those in charge felt the need to ask her to stop.
One hand had a cock, the other had her boobs. That’s what I saw in the video anyway.
Jayson Boebert is something of an expert in this realm, having once been arrested for exposing himself to a teenager at a bowling alley.
How the hell can they say that without mentioning that one of the teenagers he exposed himself to was Bobert?
Boebert: “I learned it from you!”
I believe she was already his (17 year old) girlfriend at that time though.
the Beetlejuice Debacleperforming sexual acts in a public theater in the presence of minors
Wait. Is this that “exposing kids to sexual content” that the right is always screaming about while pointing at books which have the slightest LGBTQ references? Could they be projecting?!!!
fakes a shocked expression
I want her to rail against people for exposing minors to sexual content just so that someone can rub her stupid face in what she did. I would love to have the honor to, but my chances of ever being in her vicinity ever are zilch.
Yes let’s call this what it is. Also we should remove Beetlejuice from this whole thing and not tarnish a good movie/show franchise.
Nor fucking should she!
Remember, Paul Reubens(RIP) was arrested for getting his junk out at an adult theater. This trailer park queen
had her tits outwas getting felt up and was diddling her boyfriendin front ofaround kids in awell littheatre! There’s even video of them! She needs to be charged and put on a list!Edit: Better? Can we all at least agree that she’s a trashy piece of shit?
Al Franken was forced to resign for air honking.
Didn’t watch the video, huh?
had her tits out
No she didn’t.
diddling her boyfriend in front of kids
Meh, a quick grope looked more like it. Same for him. In front of kids? How about, “In the dark with kids nearby.”?
well lit theatre
Funny, the video I saw was clearly recorded in infrared (or some sort of night vision).
As if this woman and her actions aren’t heinous enough, we gotta make up shit? It’s easy to point to facts and say,
She needs to be charged and put on a list!
Imagine a conservative reading these lies and saying, “BS! Not gonna read or listen to any more of this liberal crap!”
Lies do us liberals a disservice.
How about, “In the dark with kids nearby.”?
Are you… somehow implying that is supposed to mollify people?
Secret groping in the dark near other peoples children is not better lol
Of course I must be defending this bitch because I called out a lie.
Remember kids! Lying is A-OK if it’s us libs doing it! But’s it BAAAD when those other people do it!
Imagine a conservative reading
I can’t.
Fuck her but her tits were not out. It was also not well lit. You can certainly make the argument that she should be put on a list though.
Human breasts are not sexual. If a woman touched a man’s breast you wouldn’t be complaining. There’s a double standard at play.
Human breasts are not sexual.
The law states it’s still indecent exposure. And breasts are sexual in both sexes when used for sex. Nipple play is popular with both sexes. And regardless, sexual conduct is still sexual conduct.
My boobs disagree. Have you ever actually had sex?
What an absurd comment, pathetic that this is where republican bootlickers find themselves these days
Human breasts aren’t sexual? Breast development is literally a sign of sexual maturity in women! Both men and women experience pleasure when they’re touched. They are literally sexual in nature!
And yeah, I see a woman outright fondling a dude’s chest, just full on cupping and nipple play in public? Yeah, I’m gonna be uncomfortable and probably complain to someone. Not really a double standard there on my end, sorry. Inappropriate is inappropriate.
I mean, facial hair growth is literally a sign of sexual maturity in men, but you’d be hard-pressed to convince anyone that beards are sexual.
The purpose of breasts is to feed babies; they’re not inherently sexual in that way. That society has labelled them as such is different and very real, but it’s harmful to declare breasts as inherently sexual just because of that.
To be clear this is just semantics; Bobo is clearly in the wrong here.
You might enjoy when someone squeezes your nips, but I’m not gay. It’s not sexual to me.
Miss holier-than-thou was sexually groping, and being groped in a public theater, and really enjoying herself. So yeah, that’s going to stick with you when you’re a public figure. LOL
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Or at the very least treated with the same harshness Republicans have for “drag queen story hour.”
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I mean, they locked up Paul Ruebens for lewd acts in a theater. And he was only touching himself! You might have a case.
Wouldn’t it be sad if that would be what brings her down? Like not her being a horrible person and shitty at her job that she’s not qualified for.
She only won her seat by like 500 votes, so if any of those republican voters have ANY standards whatsoever, it will be the end of her career. But I’m not holding my breath.
If we’re counting on Republicans having standards and not just voting for the magic R, she might be in office a long time.
Nope. She squeaked by with the thinnest margin. Not again, not after this.
Not like those Republicans will vote Democrat, they’ll just not vote for her. Good enough.
Hell, she’ll easily get primaried. That Republican will probably take the seat.
Have no fear, this is her last term. Even she was surprised to win the last election by a hair. Plenty of pics of her and the family looking downcast and beaten that night.
This isn’t a nail in the coffin, it’s a railroad spike.
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May this story haunt her to the grave.
And then come back from the grave to help the newly deceased after repeating her name 3 times
It will, but it won’t change a single mind. That’s why she’s there, to make scandal after scandal in order to take over the news cycle. She’s just doing her job just like Margarie T.G. did, and just like she replaced MTG once she’s not useful as a distraction a new crazy lady will pop up to take her place.
I’m not sure in this case. The last election was surprisingly tight for her. Any factor could be enough to push her to a loss next time.
Putting Bobo aside, can you imagine what an incredible douche canoe of a club owner this guy must be? I’m imagining his employees having to deal with the type of narcissist that gets excited about going out with a trashy congressperson.
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I’m convinced he knew exactly what he was doing and did it for expose her for who she is.
If it takes no imagination for you to be branded and known on the hill as Congresswoman Hoebert, maybe practice situational awareness.
Once upon a time, and decorum, politicians actually showed some dignity and resigned over this sort of thing. Anybody remember Al Franken and air honking hands? There is no self respect among the Republicans. What a double standard. What a bunch of hypocrites.
What a bunch of hypocrites
Especially the last part. They go around pointing fingers, but it doesn’t faze them when it’s their own in the hot seat. They’ll just band together, no matter how deep in shit or depraved they are.
The trick is that they don’t care if you call them hypocrites. Those packets just get dropped at the router. It’s like calling them “xorflax” or something… the words have no meaning to them.
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They learn it in church, exactly the same behavior.
She’ll be alright. I hear she’s pretty handy.
If the fellas don’t find you hot, they better find you handy!
Maybe it’s an onlyfans/porn tryout? She keeps mentioning how great she is on her knees and such.