Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 3, which was so massive Larian held it back a day to test it properly, will release today, and it’ll add an RPG feature many of us have been requesting since we stepped clear of the Nautiloid - the ability to change a character’s appearance. Alas, it comes too late for the Wood Elf Druid I rolled during my first try at the 1.0 version. I wanted her to look like a sort of Kung Fu Galadriel, with cool tattoos and aerodynamic scars, but she emerged from the character creator looking like she’d been mugged by a packet of demon crayons. I’ve left my active character, a High Elf Sorceress, safely tattoo-less.
First they let you choose them. Now they let you change them! Aaagh the freedom is crushing! How can such control ever be given to gamers!?
Is Starfield even multiplayer?
I’m ready for the impotent screeching of all the manlets who hate parts of speech.
PrOnOuNs rUinEd my BG3 BeAr SeX!!
this is a boon for genderfluid people everywhere
Hell you can roleplay as a trans character who has their egg cracked and slowly transitions throughout the game
Aw hell yeah, more meltdown videos on the horizon
I could have sworn it already had this functionality but I guess I’m wrong
I think that before you could only set it in the character creation screen at the start. Now you can change it anytime.
Starfield does this with it’s plastic surgery shop so I imagine it’s a “hey that’s a good idea” thing for Larian.
They’ve been promising this since Patch 1, and changing your appearance is a really common feature in games with a create a character.
Most games do have limits on it after creation but I did remember just now that the Saints Row series did just this. I just have Starfield on my mind and forgot.
Now we can role-play a bad guy turning into a good guy and vice versa.
The implementation is through The Magic Mirror, which is the same thing Divinity: Original Sin 2, their previous game used. So probably less inspired by Starfield.
Yeah, I don’t think anyone at Larian is taking notes from Bethesda of all companies
Woke game, they must be going broke any minute now.
dies waiting
/s about “woke” for safety
It’s about time. Should have been on release.