Huffman said in an interview that he plans to institute rules changes that would allow Reddit users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest, comparing them to a “landed gentry.”
Hey everyone, we’re trying to keep the discussion cenetarlized at beehaw, please redirect to
if MODERATORS are landed gentry, what the fuck does that make rich bastards like him?
Using gentry as a slam indicates he views himself as royalty. Gentry is defined as “people of good social position, specifically the class of people next below the nobility in position”. FUCK SPEZ!!!
Brutal dictators.
And there it is. They’re going to implement a system that will enable them to remove mods without cause, justified by anonymous voting…when they have millions of bots that can vote however Reddit wants them to. People said they’d replace mods and instill puppets and this is quite literally that.
Won’t solve thile moderation shit show it will cause but the removing the mods forcibly part is now in the works.
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I take it you’re a boob man.
If only people were to just LEAVE the site, even just temporarily until changes were made in their favor. A massive drop in user activity would be a huge hit to u/spez and at that point it wouldn’t matter if his cronies took over the mods because no one would be on.
I find it funny that a lot of the people who were yelling for a blackout were still active during the 12th and 13th. This blackout was the wrong move man. Wrong move.
There never were that many people yelling for a blackout or complaining in general. Fact simply is, that the average Reddit User doesn’t care about it, since it doesn’t affect them directly. If we throw in all mods, the 3rd party app users and all the people that care, we don’t even reach 10% of Reddits userbase.
They had a drop of about 30% during the blackout which is already a lot more than expected, but that’s mainly because subs are closed and people can’t post.
They’re not the last place we’ll go. Neither is this. The core of free discussion on the internet moves with the times and it is moving here. All the way from Usenet to AOL to UBB boards to Myspace pages and Slashdot all the way to Reddit and now Lemmy, and so it goes.
Can we vote out u/spez?
If Reddit were a worker coop, that’s how it would work. Maybe Lemmy should be a worker coop
Dude, fuck you read my mind, I was fucking gonna write that LMAO.
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Last week I personally called the protest a “jr high school style walkout” in the post asking my sub if we should participate, and the response was overwhelmingly “yes, you idiot, shut it down”, and now here we are
So yea, fuck you spez
He’s not completely wrong in the powermod=landed gentry analogy. People have been (weakly) protesting and trying (not very successfully) to leave over the powermod situation for years, and it’s true that the powermods aren’t friends of ours.
But he seems to be suggesting that the protests are just the actions of the powermods, as if other users (and smaller mods) aren’t also leaving. I think he’s going to be disappointed when he discovers that the peasantry are also upset. They just don’t have has his ear because he’s so removed from them, so all he hears are the powermods.
The landed gentry were landlords, making money off of other people’s domestic and business activities.
Spez is the landed gentry.
The audacity. The bullshit. The outright lies.
Spez is an embarrassment and I have no idea why the Reddit BoD hasn’t asked for his resignation.
Aaron Swartz is turning in his grave right now. Despicable. Who knew his dream of a free and open place for expression and information wouldn’t come from Reddit, but the Fediverse. I hope he would have taken some semblance of solace in what we’ve created.
“If you’re a politician or a business owner, you are accountable to your constituents. So a politician needs to be elected, and a business owner can be fired by its shareholders,” he said.
Cool, the first business owner voted out should be spez!
Also, a moderator is a volunteer - not a politician on six figures a year, or a mega business owner on seven. A volunteer is perfectly in their rights to pause volunteering when they feel their work is not appreciated.
Couldn’t agree more man.
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Ikr! Like there aren’t already millions of bots infesting the site as it is ready to sway public opinion in the most optimal way for u/spez. There are so many Russian bots on reddit, they should call it a social nyet-work.
Even if he revolts against the mods, and replaces them with his cronies. Then what? Reddit is built off the backs of unpaid mods. The company simply doesn’t have the resources to manage these subreddits or they would have a long time ago to prevent this sort of thing from ever happening. Because you gotta know that this API price change was a long time coming, with sites like Teddit, and Libreddit, and Stealth on F-Droid. Or my favorite TamperMonkey extension, Unedit Reddit. It had to be costing them money, because there were people like me who wouldn’t step foot in that ad ridden cesspool without using a frontend alternative.
That article was a wild ride. He said he wants to put the reddit changes to a vote. Just saying whatever I guess. If Reddit actually does that I’ll eat a hat and a crow.
You just know that vote’s going to be rigged. Trust nothing Spez says.
lol this guy. What a tool.
So it’s treason, then.
Dig in, folks. Time to bring the pain.
Guy needs to stand down at this point
We are all leaving my dude. Who will be there to vote?