I definitely had this experience in Valheim. I thought “oh cool, a neat grasslands! Oh ho, and here comes a little mosquito for me to ki…fuck”
One of the reasons I’m super tired of levels and HP. Like in ass creed Valhalla, there’s spots where you cross a river and identical looking archer mooks go from nuisance to deadly.
It’s one thing if the ragged skeleton isn’t as dangerous as the towering black iron hulk, but it drives me crazy when the visuals are irrelevant next to the numbers.
I get that it’s easier to just slap numbers around to get more “content”. And I get that a lot of people enjoy feeling like they’re making progress even when it’s just the numbers moving around. But man I am so sick of it. I vastly prefer something tightly constrained like Sekiro where I’m getting better as a player.
I had to stop playing survival-in-zombie-apocalypse mobile games because they do this. The same enemies on the same maps have different HP depending on your level, so for someone like me who would play on the easy setting if there was one (life is hard enough, when I play games I’m not looking to challenge myself, just for easy wins), who prefers to grind a little first and build up a nice camp and arsenal before I brave proper battle (my least favourite part), there is no point, because by the time I’ve done that I’ve levelled up several times (hard not to do at the start of a game) and the enemies I face become overwhelming and it becomes too stressful for me to enjoy (though so would fighting from the get go, so even if I play the “proper” way, I still don’t have fun).
I get that many people thrive on that kind of stress and edge-of-the-seat-ness, and enjoy the brutal competitiveness of it all, but some of us just want to wonder around a world picking up shit at our own pace and occasionally shoot at something, and I wish they made more games aimed at us lol
Sounds like you play 7 Days to Die. I quit playing that game because of the constant rebalancing to make the game harder.
I don’t remember the names of them all, though that does sound familiar. And “rebalancing to make the game harder” is exactly what it is! And what’s the point of trying to get better at a game if they constantly make it harder regardless? No thanks…
I just want to build a base and get supply’s to be secure in my domain. They made it so the zombies always know where you war, know the shortest path, and will navigate through the weakest materials in your base en mass. Who doesn’t want to build a fort they know that they can be safe and secure in without worrying the devs will nerf your strategy the next update.
I’m not even touching on the devs that disagree with your play style and nerf it so you can only progress how the devs want and you suffer the entire time.
I would love to build my own survival game but I have no time for that.
Right??? It’s so frustrating.
If I had any technical knowhow I’d say I’d join you in building that game lol, but looks like we’re going to have to wait for now (and maybe build a few more bunkers on Sims lmao)…
And then you go into certain areas in Dark Souls or Elden Ring, and you’re actually supposed to go through that. Fun times in Anor Londo.
Just Caelid things
Ditto for SMT Nocturne. Random enemy accounters can occasionally take initiative. Some spawns have extremely brutal movesets between crits, ailments and instakills (which are horrifyingly effective against player units in this game). Since it’s game over if the main character dies, you could get booted back to your last save by an unlucky encounter with a half dozen demons dogpiling you before you have the chance to do anything. This can happen as early as the first city.
Later, this charming calcium man voiced by Keith Silverstein accosts you in a sewer to steal your candles, and he 100-0’s your whole team in Phase 2 unless you learned Sukunda and fused Bicorn. The whole game’s basically like this, it’s hilarious.
This always makes me want to venture further into the area. Just running around trying to avoid taking damage.
But then you can’t get out
Auto saves can be a blessing or a curse. Haha
Random high level area surrounded by low level areas be like
Ah, sweet memories of Gothic.
The opposite happens many times as well. Becoming too OP for an area/mission that it gets ridiculously easy
This is annoying too…
Xenoblade Series and their random level 90s just wandering just outside a level 20 area.