Honestly this could just be speaking to some niche desire to have a traditionally femme but still awful name as though it were assigned to you by your parents. Being like “Please, call me Millie, my real name is Mildred (ugh)” definitely lends an air of legitimacy to the whole thing. And it’s a classic real world experience of many cis women.
That’s just a guess though, more power to her either way, maybe she just thinks Mildred is a rad name. At the end of the day my opinion means jack and/or shit so do what you want.
Millie is actually kinda cute
Like Millie Bobby Brown
I’m a fan of pretty much all the -ie names.
Only nitpicking this because I have a family member named Millie. If you shorten Mildred, it would be Milly with a “y”
Millie spelled like this isn’t short for anything, it’s the full name.
Friendly reminder that it’s all arbitrary and made up anyway.
True, which is why I prefaced about the nitpick
Not even joking, I use this nickname for her frequently.
Blade of Malenia (Blade of Miquella)
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Mildred is actually a sick ass name. I hope she’s rocking it
Without the grandma-name baggage, it sounds like a colloquial name for industrial injury -based PTSD. Like naming yourself Shelshok.
I love it. Hope she’ll rock that name like no one’s business.
This is not a unique problem, as California history teems with lesbians changing their name to Morgana Labiablossom or Neopagans to Bridget Oaksparkle when when they cross a personal reckoning. Since it’s super important to them, we practice in front of a mirror until we can say the name without giggling.
I wonder if that is what inspired Tungsteena Zarpedon.
I’m really showing my age, but that name brings up fond memories of Fairuza Balk as Mildred Hubble in The Worst Witch (watch it if you get a chance, not only Fairuza, but also Charlotte Rae and Tim Curry, great film, one of my childhood favourites!). (E: omg omg omg it’s on youtube!!! I know what I’m watching tonight!)
I see no problem here.
Also Millie for short is cute.All I can think of is the wife in Fahrenheit 451. Wasn’t that her name?
Mildred/“Millie” in the book, Linda in the 1966 movie. (Doesn’t appear in the 2018 movie.)
I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never read or watched Fahrenheit 451, but a quick search shows you’re right!
They deserve a very serious-sounding name that they have to find a nickname for, like the rest of us.
Mildred Thoughtslime
Haha! This post leave me thinking that on reddit I saw post of 4chan now I see post from reddit 😁
This reminds me of a kind of mocking thing about people who transition to basic ei pumpkin spice lattes and gucci