In a rare event in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, hundreds of Gazan citizens marched in the northern town of Beit Lahiya carrying white flags, calling to end the Hamas rule, and even calling to hand over the Israeli hostages.
The protests took place in front of the Indonesian Hospital in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. One protester who filmed the events questioned where Qatari Al Jazeera and its Gaza correspondent Anas al-Sharif are, implicitly referring to the channel’s no criticism of Hamas policy.
people are demanding the press to cover these events!” he said. “People are demanding freedom, they’re demanding a halt to the hostilities against Gaza, they’re demanding peace and an end to this war.” One of them said, “The press entered the hospital so as to not document this event.”
Slogans shouted in the protest included “Out out out! Hamas out!” and “Where is the press?” and “We want to live!” Signs held by protesters included slogans such as “We refuse to be the ones who die” and “Stop the war.”
Another video showed hundreds of marchers walking in the streets of Beit Lahiya, with the cameraman saying: “Large crowds are protesting now against the rule of Hamas. The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. The people here are calling to free the prisoners so we can remain alive,” possibly referring to the remaining Israeli hostages.
I hope Israel listens to them and return to ceasefire but they wont. “But did they condemn Hamas?” Yes these bare starved homeless civilians did already but the IOF wont stop killing because Israel never want to give Palestianians their human rights and lands. Israel wants to continue being the colonizing genocidal aparthied it is.
These poor Gazans upmost demand is to be another West Bank for Israel to occuoy, ethnic cleanse, and expand its settlements in. The West Bank did not take hostages and no there is no Hamas in charge. Yet they are getting killed and their lands stolen and treated like 3rd-class citizens in aparthied Israel everyday.
There certainly are Israelis who want to listen. But unfortunately Netanyahu does not.
There certainly are Israelis who want to listen.
They are, however, a very small minority. Most Israelis don’t want peace with Palestinians at all.
Do you have data that backs that up? Because I think most Israelis do want peace, if that means they no longer get attacked.
Look up “Tel Aviv University peace index”. It’s a survey done every three months by Tel Aviv University measuring attitudes in Israel towards peace, and since October 7th they’ve had questions about the war. Prepare to lose some faith in humanity, however.
No surprises there. It mostly shows that Israelis do not trust the Palestinian Authority, and who can blame them?
There’s a lot of bad blood between them, but that does not mean they do not ultimately want a peaceful solution.
Did you click on the press release link? The findings PDF has more surveys with more details. For example, you’ll find that (pages 3-5) only 19% of Israeli Jewish respondents support a two-state solution, while only 7% support a one-state solution. Meanwhile 37% support “Annexation of the occupied territories and the creation of one state under Israeli rule with limited rights for Palestinians” and 25% support continuing the status quo. These are four separate questions, in case you’re wondering why these don’t add up to a hundred. For more despair juice, 47.4% of Jewish respondents support the creation of settlements in Gaza after the war. That’s a majority if you don’t count the 12.6% I don’t know responses (page 7). I could go on. See what I mean? It’s a full 11 pages of questions asking “do you want peace” and Israeli Jews answering “no”. I don’t think it’s possible to read this and still think Israel will ever choose peace willingly.
Now compare the numbers for Palestinians with surveys from PCPSR or similar.
Yes, I did click through to the findings PDF and carefully looked at how the questions were worded.
Everyone wants ‘peace’, but you should ask people what peace means. For Israelis, peace means that every Palestinian is either murdered or forcably removed from their land. For Palestinians, peace means that they are allowed to move freely within Palestine and have the same rights as Israelis.
For Israelis peace means not getting attacked any more by any of their neighbours.
If that were true they would’ve had peace long ago.
This is patently false. Netanyahu has an abysmal approval rating and something like 70% want a ceasefire.
See my response to the other guy. They say they want a ceasefire, but what kind of ceasefire? 47% want settlements in Gaza after the war so these details matter.
His approval ratings were low and falling well before the start of this onslaught. He is using this “war” as a way to stay in power for longer and to not face the various criminal charges against him.
Wanting a ceasefire does not mean they want a free Palestine.
I have never understood why people are so unequivocal and quick to take sides in this conflict. Either people insist on “No criticism of Hamas” or “No criticism of Israel”. It has always seemed clear to me that both the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are victims of their and each other’s respective warmongering hardline governments. It is possible for both sides to be completely in the wrong, and arguing about which is “more wrong” and trying to tally up historical injustices to debate who has the biggest total is fruitless and counterproductive. Until both sides are willing to admit they’ve been wrong and done wrong to each other and accept that very justified criticism, the violence is never going to end. Criticism of both sides is not only deserved it is necessary and probably the only answer. Both sides need to be forced to take responsibility for what they’ve each done wrong instead of justifying and defending it and acting like they’re completely innocent before this is ever going to have a chance at resolution.
The only conclusion I can draw is that some people REALLY don’t want it to ever have a peaceful resolution, and I think that’s probably closest to the actual truth of the situation. Really sickening and sad, for everyone victimized by this conflict. And I’m not even going to start getting into all the various foreign governments “supporting” both these sides. These are the ones who don’t want it to ever have a peaceful resolution, I suspect.
I am hoping that maybe these protests are at least a sign that Gazans are willing to start vocally criticizing Hamas’ role in perpetuating this violence. Now for us to be getting somewhere we’d need to start to see the same from the Israeli people too. But I’m not holding my breath. These protest efforts may be too little too late. Israel is clearly the better equipped and supported regime here; globally we seem to be returning to the horrible principle of “might makes right”. As we know history is written by the victor, and genocide is an unfortunately practical and well-tested way of silencing your critics.
Israeli people and the Palestinian people are victims of their and each other’s respective warmongering hardline governments
Overwhelming majority of Israelis support the genocide.
It’s tens of thousands of Palestinians that are dying, not Israelis. It’s the Palestinians that had their airport blown up decades ago. It’s Palestinians that live in an apartheid regime. It’s Palestinians that did not have the right to leave their prison. It’s Palestinians that had to deal with MK84 2,000lb American made bombs blowing up on their homes. It’s the Palestinians that are going without food and water and electricity.
There is no equality here. This is not a both sides thing. One side is committing a genocide and the other side is being genocided. That’s it. That isn’t an excuse for Oct 7. That isn’t to mean that Hamas is blameless.
But if you took all the crimes of the Palestinians and put it on one side of the scale and all of the crimes of the Israelis and put it on the other, there is no comparison.
Initially I had a similar view until I learned of the following 3 things:
Palestinians signing the Oslo after which the Israeli prime minister was assassinated by an Israeli ultranationalist.
The Palestinian government in the West Bank put down their weapons and still get attached by settlers and the IDF and imprisoned with essentially no rights.
The Israelis are literally murdering them by the hundreds
Also seems like these people are just protesting for peace and are saying so whatever we just want peace. Yet the title of the article doesn’t focus on that
What is even your point?
Genocide is bad. Resistance against genocide is good. That’s it.
Why would you want Palestinians to get quietly exterminated? Why do you think Hamas even exists in the first case?
Keep on whitewashing crimes against humanity and demonizing the international right of self determination. History will not forget your kind.
History will not forget your kind.
Ya. . . About that. . .
Your point… ?
It has always seemed clear to me that both the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are victims… Both sides… Both sides…
This is the dumbest “both sides” take possible. It only makes sense if you’re completely blind to the history and current reality. Palestine was fine before the zios invaded. Colonialism and imperialism have always been genocidal.
I’m glad you’ve started your first semester of political science, it shows with the buzzwords
fuck hamas but for Israel hamas is just an excuse not the end goal.
Doesn’t help that the IDF knew the attack was coming. They let their civilians get killed and captured so they had an excuse.
Worse, the IDF was under orders to expand the Hannibal Protocol to civilians the whole time, too.
Hannibal Protocol is the order to kill Israelis rather than allow them to become hostages.
I see the usual classy comments on such news stories from the Israeli public, calling the Gazans “Gazanimals” etc, and each comment 90%+ upvoted on the site.
The history books will have a wealth of material to work with.
Yeah, I had a zio tell me: “Go back to Arabia, Arab!” I’m not even Arab…
Plus all the videos of these people, etc.
Racist trash.
If such demands are met and Hamas is removed from Gaza make no mistake, the Gazan people will be the next thing they remove from Gaza.
100%. The West Bank is proof. They are being slaughtered and ethnically cleansed from there with no recourse. You need guns to defend yourselves against genociders, WW2 proved that. Hamas, and similar groups, are the only ones willing to carry guns and actually defend their people.
I have personally seen the west bank settlements and how Palestinians are treated in the west bank, its a population that have submitted and now the boot is on their throat.
Here’s hoping these protests become a daily occurrence and they’re finally able to give Hamas the boot.
Hopefully they’re able to give Israel the boot.
Hammas and Netanyahu need each other to survive. Give them both the boot.
Netanyahu will just go to war with the next countries. See the Israeli invasion of Syria, see their invasion of Lebanon, see their plans to create a greater Israel requiring to go to war and annihilate all surrounding countries and hundreds of millions of people.
Hitler didn’t stop when Austria and Czechoslovakia where handed to him on a silver plate. Neither will Netanyahu or the other Fascists stop.
This is like saying cancer and the chemo therapy need each other.
Just a reminder that Israel already left willingly in the past.
They blockaded all of Gaza and destroyed the only airport in Gaza with bombs.
They wouldn’t allow construction materials in. Limited lumber, steel, concrete, glass.
In order to leave Gaza, Palestinians needed to apply for a special ID with the Israeli government and needed a “valid reason” which essentially only meant leaving for business.
Israeli supreme court ruled in early 2000s that Gazans did not have the right to visit West Bank.
Not even if they left through Egypt, flew to Jordan, and tried to enter from Jordan. They would be denied entry.
Gaza and West Bank are part of the same country. Yet they did not have the right to visit family in their country.
Virtually all legitimate organizations, including the EU and the UN considered Gaza to be occupied during the blockade.
Israel never left. Stop spreading propaganda online. Israel never gave up control of Gaza. They controlled what went in, they controlled what came out. They controlled what buildings can be built and which buildings would be destroyed by bombs. They controlled where Gazans could fish and they controlled what items were considered “legitimate”
That’s a long debunked Hasbara talking point.
Uh what… Why do you think Israel is able to block aid to Gaza, and stop their power, trash, food, water intake, and ability to travel?
It’s because they never left. They’ve always been occupiers who have controlled their territory.
Zios are still very much in Palestine. Never left.
Is this what Israel leaving looks like? wow…
Hub, I wonder what happened that made them come back?
Try ‘murdering and kidnapping hundreds of Israeli citizens’ for a start.Nothing feeds extreme islam like blowing people’s loved ones into pieces in front of their eyes and destroying their livelihoods. So they sure know how to make this perpetuate.
And control gazans water, literally claim any water even rain water, and their ability to build anything.
That was before Netanyahu brought the far right into power, and before the US gave said far right a blank cheque for ethnic cleansing (and that’s the charitable way of phrasing that).
Sadly the current Israeli government isn’t likely to leave willingly. Certainly not while they have the full backing of the US.
Every Israeli government since its inception has been in favor of ethnic cleansing.
They only saw what Netanyahu is doing as an inconvenient way because it would wake up the world and see the monster that is Israel for what it really is.
This is a very small minority of Gazans. Most Gazans know that Hamas is the only party standing in the way of a full ground operation of the genocidal forces into Gaza. When Palestinians are no longer facing genocide they can start demanding a government that represents every Palestinian, until then they don’t have that luxury.
It seems the majority of people here actually believe that without Hamas Israel would just stop invading and pull out. This might have been wishful thinking a while ago, but right now this is called delusion, as we’ve seen what happens when you tell Israel you won’t attack and are willing to cooperate for the benefit of both sides (Syria and Lebanon).
Without military resistance Palestine would not exist. Israel has always been clear about their intention to wipe out all of Palestine. There was never a moment where Palestinians could stop Israel from invading in any other way than fighting back.
I completely agree. What I meant was: Anyone who wasn’t too interested in the Palestinian cause might have thought it was possible, but now it’s clear to everyone.
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While I hope Hamas doesn’t get to keep ruling Gaza, Uprooting the only government that has some weapons and is willing to point them towards the invading army instead of its people doesn’t seem like an effective way to make life in Gaza better or safer. Just ask the West bank.
So that Israel can fullfill their genocidal dreams uncontested? Just look at the Westbank to see how a complicit government sucking up to Israel is just helping in slaughtering and ethnically cleansing its own population.
Also it is worrying how the problem is shifted from the genocider to the the people who resisted the genocide. “Stop punching yourself”
Hamas has done a great job protecting Gazans so far.
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Israel has made it abundantly clear, that they would like to murder every Palestinian in Gaza. The fact that only about 10% have been murdered by Israel so far is a great success in these circumstances.
By your logic you would have demanded Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt to be kicked out of power because they didn’t manage to stop the Nazis earlier. The only ones who would have benefited from this would have been the Nazis.
Same goes for Israel and Hamas now. Why do you think JPost, a deeply convinced Zionist Imperialist rag is celebrating these demonstrations and blowing them out of proportion? Because they want Hamas to be out of the way so Israel can conclude the genocide uncontested.
I seriously can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.
The destruction of Gaza would have resulted in new Hamas recruits several times the number of this little protest.
Carrying flags of surrender, blaming only Hamas for the genocide being conducted by the IOF, calling for the release of Israeli but not Palestinian hostages, and specifically trying to keep the press out of hospitals?
Yeah, this has Mossad false flag op written all over it…
Typical jpost hasbara.
babe wake up
new israeli psyop just dropped
Meh. Sounds like phony zio propaganda from a phony zio “newspaper”.
I’ll wait for a reliable news sources to report on this.
Yeah, Hamas sucks, but this is funny timing to rise up against them.
Why are links to this trash website even allowed
Something about not guiding public opinion or stuff like that
The protests were for peace and an end to the genocide. A few people screamed slogans against Hamas and now the entire thing is framed as “anti Hamas protests”.
No surprise the Israeli media gladly runs this dishonest story to blame Israel starving Palestinians on Hamas.
But it does destroy their own narrative that “if only the Palestinians protested against Hamas they would get food”.
Good they are breaking.
They are literally not even resisting. Israel has been bombing humans in a barrel for 18 months.
That’s pretty gross