The community is located on kbin. In case you don’t see any posts, no one from your instance has yet subscribed to the community. Subscribe and you’ll see new posts going forward. There are several threads there atm.
Links are a bit weird, but at least one should work:
!IndustrialDesign | !IndustrialDesign
Or just paste this into search: [email protected]
Really liking this trend of making the kbin logo with different styles of 3D models.
That’s a great logo!
Thanks! In case you’re interested, there are some behind the scenes screenshots showing how it was created, and some more community icons I made.
I really like all of those other ones too - thank you for linking to them! :D
Glad you like them. Btw, I started a community about them, check out @kbinicons. There are more to come, and there’s a request thread :)
No posts yet, or it just hasn’t synced with my instance?
Edit: Clicked the second link and saw the posts, must be a sync issue.