First I want to apologize for the statements about lacking no moral compass. I wasn’t referring to you. I hope you recall our conversation back in 2012? It’s interesting that I know exactly where I was standing when I called you that day. The sun was at it’s fullest and I hid in shade behind a tall building at my work while I was anxious and pretty angry about what was happening to me and my daughter. It really never had to be this way, ever.

You told me to get an attorney and that I shouldn’t be talking to anyone. I want to thank you for the support you gave me towards the end. Oh what a disaster it turned into and I was becoming reckless myself because of it.

The one thing I want to tell you is that I’m a bit upset with you. It’s not because you sided with them. Of course, I expected you to. It was because you didn’t tell me directly what I was up against, and you didn’t try to help that individual. When I told you I didn’t understand who she had become, you rattled off a few symptoms. My jaw dropped when you went through the list. I wouldn’t exactly say it was the following, but I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.

manipulative and controlling behavior, deflection, projection, devaluation and discard

It wasn’t until later when I realized what you had already known.

I’m sorry if I got you in trouble with the family. I understand that she flipped out the moment she heard you were talking with me. I’m surprised you didn’t get devalued and discarded. Again, thank you for helping me.
