lol get fucked
“And a hearty fuck you to the dregs of digital society who do real harm and believe themselves above responsibility, beyond accountability. You aren’t.”
This quote is absolute gold.
I came back here to post the same quote. This is now my favorite quite fun a lawyer.
I especially like that he included the word “hearty”. This guy is awesome.
Exactly. It was icing on the cake. I don’t think I can tell someone “fuck you” without incorporating the word hearty now.
Words like “hearty” are what separates the Chuck McGills from the Slippin’ Jimmies
Yeah seems like quite fun a lawyer :'D
As a massive Destiny fan, I was around for all of that as it happened. So so so glad to hear this is how it turned out. These kind of people need to be made examples of, and I hope he has a miserable time trying to recover.
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Just another example of the Government’s suppression and censorship of gamers’ God given right to…
[D]efendant, Jesse James Comer, was “incensed” when the community manager — whom both Bungie and the court declined to name, to protect them from further harassment — spotlighted some fan art by a Black community member. Using anonymous phone numbers, Comer left a string of “hideous, bigoted” voicemails on the community manager’s personal phone, some asking that Bungie create options in Destiny 2 “in which only persons of color would be killed,” before proceeding to threaten the community manager’s wife with more racist voicemails and texts.
Your honor, my client just had a gamer moment.
Your honor, the plaintiff wouldn’t have survived cod mw 2 lobby.