I love that “innovation” with big US companies always means acquiring another company. Not like EA is a big innovator either.
Or AOL-Time-Warner-Pepsico-Viacom-Halliburton-Skynet-Toyota-Trader-Joe’s from Bojack Horseman
“Wait so how many companies are there in the world now?”
Yeah, but don’t worry. It’s not a monopoly until only one company bought every other.
Ooohhhh, please don’t suggest anyone buy Trader Joe’s. That would F Up my world.
Trader Joe’s is privately owned, but it is owned by Aldi.
More specifically, by the heirs of Theo Albrecht, one of the two brothers that founded the two Aldi companies.
Hrrrrmm, TIL. As long as they keep it running the same, that’s OK.
Albrecht has owned it for most of its existence. The first TJ was opened '67, Albrecht owned the chain since '79, so out of itd 56 years, 48 have been in possession of himself or his family.
I actually like both Trader Joe’s and Aldi in the states because they both prioritize affordability
The name ALDI literally stood for “Albrecht’s Discount”. It was part of their concept from the start. We can bicker about quality, but if you don’t have the luxury of choice, their prices are generally good here in Germany too.
Trader Joe’s is already owned by Aldi.
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😂 😂 💜
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But why? Disney has made several attempts before to break into gaming, none of which have worked out well. The best Disney games have all been licensed games by Square Enix, BioWare, Capcom, etc.
Also, Disney doesn’t have the cash to buy EA, so buying EA would involve them going deeply into debt. With today’s interest rates, that would be too risky.
The best Disney games have all been licensed games by Square Enix, BioWare, Capcom, etc.
That’s why they’re going to want to buy those studios.
They can’t buy Square Enix or Capcom; Japan has laws protecting certain Japanese companies from being bought out by foreign companies.
@OfficialThunderbolt @Jinxyface it’s ashamed more countries & gov’t are to fiscally driven to legally prevent monopolies when they’ve been known to be destructive
Video games aren’t in danger of becoming a monopoly, but that kind of measure seems more aimed at preventing foreigners from having too much influence.
Video games aren’t in danger of becoming a monopoly,
Microsoft, a trillion dollar tech conglomerate, has just purchased multiple of the entire video game’s largest publishers. It is entirely in danger of becoming a monopoly
How many games came out in 2023? How many of those do Microsoft own? How much do you think that second number changes over the next 10 years? There are so, so, so many video game companies out there that Microsoft doesn’t own.
It’s not about how many Microsoft owns. It’s how large the ones they own are. Microsoft has essentially made long time huge third party developers/publishers part of their company now, that’s corporate consolidation and should never be defended or justified in any way.
Microsoft has trillions of dollars. They have the capital, workforce, and time to build up their own studios. If the only way a trillion dollar company can “compete” in a space is to consolidate that space by applying anti consumer tactics like buying out longstanding publishers, that’s stupid and a lie.
I can only think of Kingdom Hearts and I assume that is square enix.
The big publishers’ moneymaking franchises have plateaued or declined without anything to replace them, and they’re looking to sell their companies before those franchises stop making money. EA and Disney have a partnership via Star Wars that could work out toward making an acquisition or merger more affordable. Disney would probably have a hard time growing by acquiring more television or movie studios, but video games are in a different industry. Disney might see acquiring a giant like EA to be acquiring “experts” at how to actually run a video game business compared to Disney’s failed past efforts.
Those are the reasons I can think of. EA was rumored to have hit up every enormous company like this to buy them out, including Apple and Amazon, so it doesn’t surprise me that Disney was on that list.
Man, I miss Disney Infinity. The toy requirement was stupid, but the building was a ton of fun
If they buy EA I’ll only have to boycott one company, instead of two.
Bonus if Alphabet also Buys M$, Bytedance and Disney.
Alphabet has half the market cap of Microsoft. Microsoft is so unbelievably big, it’s not even funny.
Microsoft would be the one buying all three of Alphabet, Bytedance, and Disney and barely scoff at it.
Mouse couldn’t run EA worse than EA is run now. Meet the new boss same as the old boss.
Rule 2 of the videogame industry: if you think something can’t get worse, it absolutely fucking will within a month or two
See also: Unity
My epiphany was when I was almost successfully gaslit that Halo Infinite was actually a nice game and that I just grew out of the franchise
FPS games are in dire straits if you like the kind of stuff we got 10-20 years ago, but so many other genres are thriving right now. Give it 5 years, and the indie scene will likely up the FPS market that AAA forgot; right now, they’re chasing late 90s arena shooters rather than the slightly-slower, somewhat-grounded-in-some-sort-of-reality action blockbusters we got in the early 2000s through the 2010s.
And Halo Infinite’s multiplayer was almost what I wanted out of a Halo game. Better than what Halo had between 3 and 5.
Infinite made me not care about the franchise. Which is impressive because I loved the franchise.
Which shall happen regardless of which megalithic corpo whore is calling the shots.
What’s rule 1?
Rule 1: Do not believe the hype and pre-order games
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If you see a wall with a weird texture, just light a bomb next to it.
I, for one, am curious as to what products I could purchase from Lockheed-Northrop-Boeing-Pepsico
Nuclear powered, Heat seeking High fructose syringes, now with flamin hot flavor you can feel in your bones!
Depleted uranium enriched Funions. I mean, even more so than they currently are.
Well they can’t make EA any worse, right? Right??
Sure, because it did wonders for Fox and Marvel.
(And casually ruined Marvel vs Capcom Infinite).
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I dunno but I do love those last couple of Jedi games… love that shit, and I don’t really like star wars
Souls-like, but not as difficult.
I kinda support this since it means Disney will probably kill it off in a year.
really though you can thank microsoft buying activision for this trend
You don’t think embracer deserves some of the credit here? They’ve been buying up studios for a decade now and just got to the point where they are closing them. It’s popular IP consolidation.
Like, If they are planning on getting into the Console Market not really, If they are planning on taking EA improving on it and keeping Insomniac doing the spider-man / marvel based games I’m all in, it would be nice to see some really good Disney based games (I don’t play star wars jedi but I can see it’s a really good game).
it would be nice to see some really good Disney based games (I don’t play star wars jedi but I can see it’s a really good game).
Nah man. I was open minded with their star wars/marvel shows but they are all the same at this point. The look and feel has become so homogenized. Mando/Andor/Loki are basically the only things with any style of their own at this point and even they still 80% overlap (Andor less so) with Disney’s style executed in all their other shows.
I really lost faith after Obi Wan. Man that show looked and felt so cheap. The story was so boring. What a waste.
I’d add Wandavision to the list of shows with their own style. Mando kind of turned generic after the first season too. Obi Wan was very generic, but had some cool scenes. It could have been so much more, but honestly I didn’t really see the need for the show at all. Same with Book of Boba Fett.
As far as games go, Fallen Order was great. Need to play Jedi Survivor, but I’ve heard they improved a lot of stuff in it. With how they’ve removed creative focus on most of their properties, I don’t think a Disney run studio would have put out Fallen Order or Survivor though.
I loved what it attempted and the first 2 eps worked great, but the bit went too long. It needed to be 2 episodes shorter.
Totally agree. It also seemed like the last couple episodes were them reacting to fan theories instead of having a planned ending.
Disney makes games off of all their properties, and .ore often Tham not they’re pretty good.
@Razzazzika Maybe it would make them take it a little more seriously, as at the moment they seem to just sell the rights to EA and other companies. Simpsons Tapped Out (That has been with EA for a few years now) is filled with Micro Translations as it’s a mobile game created by EA but if Disney buys EA maybe they will create Simpsons: Hit and Run Remastered as that’s one game that people have been crying out for, for years now.
hmmm, sounds like the work of a giant gamer