hyfetch user spotted
cutie spotted :3
i would like to post to this comm, i just worry i’m coming from the wrong side so to speak
What do you mean?
i’m not transfem, i’m not even AMAB, i’m not sure my genderweirdery allows me to claim “femboy”
it seems not in the spirit of the comm to me?
The rules just say you need to be a human wearing thigh high socks and using a Unix-like OS so feel free to post here!
And of course you can be a femboy, if that’s how you feel! :D
Oh, I thought they meant “comment” with “comm”, and I didn’t know what to say… I just wished them good luck finding out who they are… Either way, I’m sorry @jahtnamas and you.
you’re fine, dw
Best of luck finding out who you actually are! Have a good one :3
Nice femboy flag in the logo!
Thank you :3
Great choice of distro, perhaps even better choice of socks 👀
Perfect match :3
Sexy Linux bros~~[write text here]~~
thank you lol
i spy a xx30 series thinkpad with the classic keyboard very nice :3
Yup, it’s a ThinkPad T530 with the classic keyboard mod :3
I see you use Arch, btw.
I do indeed :3
Welcome :)
thank you :3