It’s a bit sad that the democrats are so milk toast and ineffective in their messaging that even the slightest pushback against republicans is referred to as Dark Brandon.
milk toast
Is this sarcasm or do you not know the proper term?
Don’t put yourself on a pedal stool like you know all the words in the world
Thanks for saying that. People like you are a blessing in the skies.
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive porpoises I think you are wrong.
In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. If you don’t tow the line you’ll never hone in on the truth. Gorilla warfare will be used against you if you don’t agree!
You had me at “zero taller ants”.
This is just art, plain and simple.
Your my hero
It’s a decades-old copypasta AFAIK. I do sometimes add new malapropisms as I come across them.
I hate you all. LOL. I thought I was having a stroke.
We don’t need to know your self pleasure habits.
I mean, if you’ve got the time why not? I’m having a stroke right now.
that’s a bit of a damp squid
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That you, Ricky?
All just to spider face…
It’s milquetoast for anyone curious.
Which, for whatever it’s worth, was deliberately coined as ‘milk + toast’.
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Dude I said cashayy instead of cache until I was like 16 years old.
It’s easy to do, if you read a lot and have never said a word out-loud before. I pronounced ‘cacophony’ wrong until my 30s (was saying it like cack-a-fonny instead of ca-coff-a-nee)
Which sounds funny until you hear a British person say Sax-O-phonist
Well I’m British, living in the UK so that’s just normal everyday speech to me :D
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Also eggcorn is argued by linguists as the natural progression of language, so calling it milk toast or milquetoast is a example of how language developes and really isn’t wrong since everyone understood what milk toast means and understands what milquetoast means.
Language is fluid. The character named Milquetoast the expression comes from was based on the idea that milk and toast are a bland and uninteresting meal anyway. The idea is communicated either way.
Did not know. English is my second language and I have only heard it spoken. The weird part is that I have written it in comments before (on reddit) and nobody corrected me.
Also, it should be milk toast. Milquetoast is a reference to a comic character that is referencing the dish.
Al Gore was the canary in the coal mine for that party and generation. Milquetoast is being very polite.
Are we just going to ignore 8 years of Obama? You can have your differences with him but he was far from ineloquent.
They should have never backed down on the Clinton comment calling them deplorable. They are.
What should we do with that half of the country then? I mean I agree, they are deplorable. But then what? They’re not going anywhere. We’re all in the same boat like it or not. Imo we HAVE to find a way to work together.
It’s not half the country, It’s like 30%. Trump did not win the popular vote and that was people who voted.
And yet it’s the progressives who refused to stand behind that comment, not the centrists.
Keep telling yourself that. Perhaps you’ll believe it one Day.
It’s not good form to deny the reality I lived through, friend.
What is the measure of effective messaging? By my estimation, it would be winning elections, which progressives have a pretty poor record of.
By my estimation it would be getting more votes, which democrats actually have a pretty good record of.
fyi, the correct spelling for that is milquetoast. Have a nice day :)
Did you mean Milquetoast?
this isn’t an action/reaction singled out to all democrats, just the idiots that fell into the dark brandon meme culture trap.
these same people would bitch about how MAGA fucking idiots would be like OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH TRUMP OWNED YOU DEM BITCHES. FUCKIN OWNED THE LIBS LOL. etc
and they don’t see the irony that they’re acting the same stupid fucking way as MAGA cunts.
quite frankly it’s disappointing.
I got the impression that the “Dark Brandon” meme was an ironic take on all of the MAGA pap being continuously spewed at the time. Some people may miss the irony and take it at face value, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
dark brandon came out of the photoshopped images of biden in front of the Whitehouse looking all “dictatory”. the conservative pearl clutching was so hilarious that the memeologists went with it and dark brandon was born.
edit: re-reading your comment, I think you aready knew that. leaving my reply for posterity.
It’s obviously a takeoff on Dark MAGA.
I love that the ‘Right Side Broadcasting Network’ that is hosting the video of MTG has fully a quarter of its screen devoted to hawking gold.
When you’re referring to selling something it’s spelled hocking.
Edit: Turns out I was mistaken, Hawking is indeed the correct term for this.
I looked it up before posting, there’s a bit of disagreement on that.
Oh damn I had never heard of the other term before, my bad.
Hawking Gold. It’s made when neutron stars collide. It’s in the same family as Hawking radiation.
Think context matters here. In the context of the top comment, I think hawking is the proper term over hocking.
Oh ok, I had never heard of that term before, I stand corrected.
No it is not. That is selling like to a Pawn shop not selling like promoting, which is hawking.
“Know your audience.”
Biden was trying to “finish what FDR started” in addressing rural poverty, education and medical care, Greene said. She also accused Biden of trying to turn America socialist.
“Socialist” is a good term to scare folks. (At least, folks over 50.) FDR…not so much.
This should fall below the threshold of “things worth posting or writing an article about” tbh.
Are you new to politics? This is the meat and potatoes of how politics is played.
It’s the meat and potatoes of dumb partisan back-and-forth bullshit tbh.
Politics isn’t a clean game to play.
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Did MTG always have such a pronounced lisp? What’s up with her voice… she sounds different to usual. New veneers maybe.
There go eight seconds of my life that i’m not getting back; thanks huffpost
These are the matters that deeply concern Sarah Beth and Cleatus and they 12 mostly biological children.