and yet, there are few who care. Sad.
😎 can’t care if you’re destitute and one paycheck away from homelessness and starvation 😎
But can bring about kids and vote conservative. Perpetuating your misery.
The whole right and left wing thing is a disease. Them vs Us until the end of time.
The left have been right since the very first time they defined themselves by opposition to the French monarchy.
Does that mean it won’t get hotter? Woo great news. Burn baby burn.
Although probably the title should be “lock in a future of at least 1.5c”
1.5°C will happen a bit sooner and we’re on track to 2°C in 2040 and 2.8°C at the end of the century.
yay. woo. high score.
Hopefully we can slow emissions to a halt to mitigate the worst of it
Hopefully we can slow emissions to a halt to mitigate the worst of it
You known that wont happen. We had plenty of time.
When you abandon hope and stop fighting you let those who benefit from us doing nothing win
I’ll fight until I draw my final breath because I have hope that we can change
We did it with CFCs and the ozone hole, we can do it with this if we continue to fight
It’s not over until it’s over
Depends how many wars we have I guess. Although I think natural disasters are generally more deadly unless someone unstable unpacks a nuke.
Good thing humans select the most greedy and evil creatures to lead.
This is exactly how I feel. We’ve had decades upon decades, of we’re not doing anything now we’re not ever doing anything.
I think globally the capitalists are betting on the high risk high return of: do nothing and count on human adaptability to endure the immense bullshit they’ll have to live through but still work for “us.”