Stole the red vs blue quote and put it on Invader Zim?
Is that quote even from Red Vs Blue or just something someone slapped on screenshots of it?
Ding ding ding. It started as a completely unrelated meme. In fact it started as a drawing of a Stephen Universe character. The Red v Blue one never happened and the quote can’t be attributed to it.
Wait what. I swear I remember it happening. I can’t find it when I Google it but I remember it happening in red vs blue. Am I really gonna have to watch the entire series again to figure it out?!
Nope. Never happened.
Holy shit. My life is a lie
I also have memories of this exchange, I feel like I can even hear their voices… But I guess they’re right, I can’t find it and the consensus seems to be that it never happened
Yeah a buddy told me this a while back. I haven’t seen RvB but he has and he got angy about it being attributed to the show. Apparently happens a lot and he loves the show but that annoys him. So he yelltaught me for a bit.
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No dude. I looked it up. The quote doesn’t exist. All you’ve done is take a meme from that source and claimed that its real.
YOU are the one who didn’t bother to look it up. Otherwise you’d find the same conclusion. It’s not a real quote.
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No it didn’t.
This is your THIRD comment (granted you deleted one) saying that it happened and your only “proof” is that meme. That’s the very meme we’ve been saying is fake this entire time. One that is provably fake by the fact that those are two different Halo games. Didn’t happen in RvB like that. All you did is grab the image from the very source I’ve been using to say it’s fake. You took a meme and are trying to use it as evidence.
So no. It didn’t happen. If you want to prove me wrong you’re going to have to find the direct quote from Red vs Blue.
Go ahead.
I’ll wait.
In your defense, it does happen to fit those characters extremely well.
Hahah ye it really does
Now I’m just upset that this image isn’t the meme format. It looks so much better than two random characters going back and forth between two random still images. Even if they draw over Stevonnie, it would look better.
I’m pretty sure the meme itself has been around longer than Steven universe has existed, and I have distinct memories of the conversation and voices.
You sure it’s not in season 2/3 somewhere?
That image is the first known usage of that phrasing/meme. It was posted in 2015. There is nothing that can be found that pre-dates that, Red Vs Blue included. That quote was never said in RvB at all and nothing was said that’s even kind of similar.
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Yes. That is the meme were all talking about. The one that never happened in RvB. It is kind of insane how you’re spamming a meme everywhere as if it’s truth.
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No. It wasn’t. This is your 4th comment on this thread. You keep pasting this meme and trying to use it as fundamental proof that it was in RvB. It wasn’t. You are openly lying to everyone here and attempting to use a meme as evidence. A meme that proves you wrong as those are from two different games. The interaction didn’t happen. The joke didn’t happen. It wasn’t in Red vs Blue. People haven’t been able to find it for years. Moreover, I have an actual source backing me up. You have nothing other than a false memory and a funny picture.
5 messages. 5 individual comments of you coming in here and saying I’m a liar by using a meme to try and prove yourself right. I say 5 because you deleted one of them. I woke up to an inundation of these nonsense messages.
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Ohhhhh okay. Now that makes sense. When I saw those messages initially I was just infuriated because I thought it was just aggressive “Fuck you, you’re wrong” energy. A legit mistake? Now that I totally get. Have made a million and will make a million more. To be honest I could have maybe come off a bit less aggressively myself.
Sorry from my side as well <3
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Did… did I get hit by the Mandela effect? Like I can hear the interaction between Omega and Doc in my head playing out.
The Dungeon Master has no “He” nor does the Dungeon Master have a “She”. The Dungeon Master is a Dungeon Master and a Dungeon Master only. If thou are of worth, the Dungeon Master may allow you to remove the “Dungeon” from the Dungeon Master’s name, shorting the Dungeon Master‘s name to Master.
This makes the Dungeon Master uncomfortable
Alternative last panel from experience " Pseudo-death dimensions"