Another one for the golf course.
"He has no principles. None. None,” she said of Trump
Glad she at least was human.
So sister and niece both know he’s a terrible person. If only his gullible followers could see…
His followers like him because hes a terrible person not in spite of it.
Yep, he’s willing to say the racist/sexist/anti glbt things the other Republicans are only willing to imply.
They’re as selfish and terrible as him. Kindred spirits.
They’re both women, therefore his followers don’t give a shit what they say. They’d rather the women not speak
She said that on a taped conversation in private. The article said that she was a critic of his, but I’m not sure that she was a public critic of his.
The point being, it’s not like Donald Trump doesn’t know that he’s done things that were wrong. For example, he knows it’s wrong to try to steal an election, because he’s constantly accusing other people of doing it. But he does know the truth, that it was he who was doing those things.
A person shouldn’t be lauded for privately knowing there is a problem, but never doing anything about it.
Here’s the thing I keep hammering about Trump; He’s eat up with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. That doesn’t mean “narcissist” in the way people have been slinging the word around for a decade+. It’s a real diagnosis with a real meaning.
If you’ve ever been close to someone with NPD, you realize that they literally have no sense of personal culpability. They are literally unable to process an idea that says “you are wrong”.
Trump isn’t purposefully hiding his “wrongness” from us, he can’t know he’s wrong. His brain can’t imagine such a thing.
The “stolen” election for example; He did realize for a minute that he was beaten, plenty of evidence of what was said in that brief timespan. So we normal folks say, “Ah ha! Told you he was a liar!”But his brain reworked the thing, because being beaten, “wrong” to his mind, is not possible.
You could hardly torture a confession out of the man, because to his mind, he has nothing to confess. His behavior is far more terrifying once you truly internalize that.
Now add the beginnings of dementia to his extreme case of NPD. He’s basically a religious fanatic, and he’s his own god.
The point isn’t that he thinks he’s wrong, but that the things he’s done are things that he knows are wrong. He just believes he has some special right to do these things anyways.
Nah, you walked past my point. Trump’s brain literally can’t conceive that he’s wrong, can’t know he’s wrong.
It’s all so much more horrifying than people are making it out. People like you are putting themselves in his shoes and trying to think it out. His brain doesn’t work that way.
he has some special right to do these things
That’s his brain’s way of telling him he was never wrong to begin with.
Let me rephrase it, because despite my explaining it, you still haven’t understood.
Would Trump think you broke the law if you took all of the money out of his wallet without his permission? Obviously yes. Would Trump think you broke the law if you took all of the money out of another person’s wallet without their permission? Probably yes. He understands the concept that stealing money is wrong. He just wouldn’t think it’s wrong if he took all of the money out of your wallet.
I’ve been incredibly consistent in the way I’ve described this. Trump knows that the type of actions he’s performing are wrong. He just doesn’t believe they’re wrong when he’s performing them.
It’s early hard to explain your point to someone that hasn’t recovered from narcissistic abuse. Even those in the thick of it, you can tell them what’s happening, they can intellectually understand, but they inevitably try to relate and discover excuses or reasons which completely misses the point of how someone that truly has NPD is wired. It’s really a shame and I wish I had a good answer. Their are tons of articles and videos from experts that accurately and intellectually describe what you are attempting to explain but the point you are trying to drive home, which you are accurately and concisely stating, never seems to really sink in for folks in my experience.
… And who doesn’t want a god-emperor? LOL
The God emperor of mankind is supposed to be hyper intelligent, not a sick old seditionist with NPD - who frankly is somewhat mentally challenged
Potato tomato.
I don’t know anything about her other than what this article says. Lauded is a huge stretch.
I’m not gonna lose too much sleep over an elderly woman not publicly criticizing her baby brother.
Half-human, at best. She resigned her position as a federal judge after it was revealed she also committed tax fraud after their father passed.
Having the shame to resign puts her ahead of 99.99% of a certain group of people.
Was it shame, or were there worse things waiting for her if sure didn’t resign?
Worse like what, trying to overthrow the government?
Or accepting lavish vacation packages from billionaires?
didn’t she resign cause she got caught, and likely was given no actual choice? Like “resign or be disbarred” or whatever the equivalent would be?
Taking advantage of other people is pretty typically human.
More than we can say for even a single person in this entire comment thread, apparently.
A man’s sister dies. What do you do?
“Uh it depends is he my political enemy?”
None of the Trump family are going to see this, and they’re a bunch of rich fucks who have exploited people all their lives. They don’t get pity. I wouldn’t shove it in their face, but they won’t see this so it doesn’t matter.
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God misses again.
Only two left, odds getting better.
The sad part is that it could still be a very long time.
The upside is I will still be alive to pee on his grave.
I hope we both are. Date?
I’ll see you there!
I’ll have my dancing shoes on!
Please excuse me, but I’ll be crashing this date in my party boots.
He needs to live at least until he’s convicted of trying to steal the election.
“I prefer sisters that don’t die.”
The wrong kid died!
I’ve gone smell blind!
when she retired amid a judicial conduct inquiry into her alleged involvement in possible tax fraud for her family.
Is there anyone in that family who isn’t like the very worst of the Kennedys?
That’s an odd comparison. It’s more like “is there anyone in that family who isn’t like every other Trump?” They are all pieces of shit. No need to go outside their family to find worse examples.
Mary Trump, daughter of Fred Trump Jr., seems to have her head on straight.
I think she’s a lesbian, so she was probably an outcast from the start. It was what probably saved her.
I mean, rich people are assholes.
That goes for their families as well. They cultivate a culture of hoarding as much wealth as possible no matter what.
When I saw her name was Maryanne I was worried that she was “the good Trump,” Mary, who has been very outspoken about her disdain for Donald. It appears that it wasn’t.
clicked into comments to ascertain the same information
I can’t believe the Clintons would do something like this
I mean, old people die.
Oh shit, should we tell them? Do they know?
Am I going to die?
Only if you are 30+, which is considered old enough to die, as back pain starts to manifest.
…i slipped down a wet flight of stairs fifteen years ago, in my late thirties, and took the typical six weeks to restore my mobility, six months for full recovery…
…after fifty, though, as i was leaning over one day, my spine decided to just let go and has repeated the exercise four times since: i’m pretty sure that’s when my factory warranty expired…
It depends. Are you ever planning on being old?
Eww and get wrinkly? No thanks
He has two dead older siblings, and one dead younger sibling. He can drop dead anytime now.
She getting buried at his (totally not a) house for another tax break or some shit too?
No. He doesn’t have any more top secret documents to hide.
Just give it time
These Trumps always have the best hair dews. You can tell it runs in the family.
It’s hairdo not dew.
I believe in this case hairdew is just fine
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Oh come on, he tried. Give him his dews
More like hairdon’t.
Looks like another convenient delay for the Cheeto
Well, that doesn’t look good for Trump’s longevity past 87…
Gives him less than a decade left, depending on how you interpret genetics and environmental research effects on overall lifespan.
Honestly I’m pretty shocked that someone who treats their body that shittily has made it this far.
Dude is way overweight, eats 4 sandwiches from McDonald’s in one sitting on a regular basis, thinks exercise is bad for you, is probably on stimulants, and reportedly doesn’t sleep much.
Dude’s like the Keith Richards of being a piece of shit.
Doesn’t drink and doesn’t have a care in the world (no stress).
I dunno, people close to him have hinted at his stress levels. And all the public lashing out is getting demonstrably worse. Hell, his “acting out” behavior was getting worse long before he lost the election. There was a great breakdown of his Tweet frequency, and the accompanying lies in those Tweets. Shown on a graph, that shit spiked and never levelled off.
He’s not stressed because he knows he’s done wrong and it’s coming to bite his ass. He’s stressed because his “enemies” are closing in.
“So unfair. So corrupt.”
His latest speeches have been increasingly erratic. Even by his standards, they seemed incoherent and like something was off.
Don’t get me wrong, his usual speeches are terrible but seemed to push through out of sheer arrogance. Now it’s like he’s running out of steam but some words somewhat manage to escape his mouth.
I think he cares a lot about things that don’t matter. Despite all that orange makeup he still manages to get red in the face on a regular basis.
His lifetime of hamberders and sitting down is our best hope for 2024 and beyond.
Women usually outlive men by 10 years.
Any day now!
You’re way off. On average women live longer than men by 5.8 years.
Rounded to the nearest decade, they were exactly right!
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Oh no! Anyway…
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Thanks, Obama.