The trailer fails to show much in its 2-minute run time. To clear up misconceptions though I’ll say this, the game is big and open, it is unfair to compare it to Outer Wilds (I think Feargus is trying to keep expectations down just in case), which I think it is nothing alike. The studio that did the trailer did some compression of colors and image editing, the screenshots that have been released are much more representative of what it looks like just running through it (they also [appear] to be totally random shots from the game, I’m not sure why these were chosen out all the things, probably to keep spoilers at minimum). A lot of the game is being kept hidden right now, I think you will have to wait until the next trailer or some sort of presentation to really see it, but it is safe to assume it is very Obsidian. No, the entire game isn’t all bright and happy town, no it is not all so indistinct visually. There are lots of characters, quests, conversations, various game mechanics, big story, etc. […] Development is going well right now, MS is allowing Obsidian free license to do as they will, and if it is success or fails it’ll be on Obsidian’s own terms.

Briar Diem also noted that “various things” and lighting will be improved in subsequent showings of the title.

    2 years ago

    Good to know, though not going to trust any marketing comments without seeing more.

    Obsidian is a good studio though, so am excited for it, and am hopeful it would be good.

    2 years ago

    Kinda sounds like it will be like The Outer Worlds…which I personally liked but I know for many people it was too shallow. Like Obsidian trying to make games like Bethesda but they’re so much smaller in scope that they become perhaps a bit too shallow. I’ll be interested to learn more about this game. I would kinda hope it will not just be a “AA-sized” Skyrim but I would personally probably still enjoy it like that.