Not being allowed to remove an app has lead about two people to switch from windows in the last 10000years.
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Hit Esc then type “q!” <- how hard was that? Don’t listen to the vimxit liars
Don’t forget the ‘:’ before the q!, when you type ‘:’ you enter command mode, the q command quits the file and putting an exclamation mark after the q doesn’t save the file and forces the file to be closed
Or if you want to text edit in hardcore mode, only use :x to exit. For after you’ve gotten used to vim and want to bring back some of the challenge.
Ok, I may have forgotten about the “:” but I stand by the rest, if you can’t remember how to do a qw, then you can’t be trusted to write to a file.
So you can’t be trusted to write a file.
No, I’m not trust worthy
Thanks for being honest. I’ll ask someone else when I need to write a file.
In the end linux is about choice, if you don’t want to remember the commands to edit with vim, there are text editors like nano or some kind of notepad program from your DE
Open a new terminal and type
sudo killall vim
reboot to assert dominance
Reject modernity, return to having a single 120v power switch on the front of the computer!
There was a post about custom PC starting switches, and one built a gong starter. Now that would be a boss reboot.
You must still be trapped
I’m very close to just editing that comment
‘ZZ’ you heathen
I still dual boot for a few games and one piece of hardware that just don’t work on GNU/Linux, but I’m almost certainly never going back.
There was an ad for Tik Tok in my Start Menu after the last update. Fuck everything about that sentence.
Uhh what hardware isn’t working? Is it something really niche? For some reason I like hearing about stuff like that.
It’s an old audio card. The output and input work, but it retains the volume level and mix settings as last adjusted in Windows. I’ll replace it eventually with a DAC and amp, which is what we put together for my wife’s build last year.
It’s the nuAudio card (non-pro version) from EVGA. There are a few work around a, one of which is backflashing old firmware to get some level of control in Linux, but I don’t like the tradeoff and a couple of my Elite: Dangerous tools don’t work well on Linux anyway, so I need the Windows install for that.
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If your corporate environment didn’t use GPO to just disable the suggestions (just like what you can do on the home edition to get rid of any and all ads), then I suggest they get someone actually knowledgeable in IT to manage their servers.
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I know it’s a meme but it’s crazy to me that some people think the average person cares about computers at all (let alone what OS is running)
Same. Literally the reason I started using Zorin OS was because it was pretty. Not any sort of logical reason, just “Windows is Ugly, Zorin is Pretty”
Perhaps you are right, but now those two individuals can finally switch back to using Windows.
As one of them, no thank you. Windows is doing plenty of other crap and I don’t like and it turns out linux is kinda fun. Also once I finally understand what I’m doing I can set up a home server and other cool stuff.
Also I’m not european so I can’t actually switch back
having your own NAS rocks! i run jellyfin and adguard under truenas.
Yeah I’m just a shit programmer. I just have a few old workstations, a desire to eventually set up a jellyfin setup, and little enough knowledge that the beginner guides are often above my level
honestly, i barely know how to write shit for an arduino. i have no prior experience with software. linux stuff is learning by doing. try something and see if that works. the text tutorials in the documentations are often the best way to install stuff. you’ll eventually figure it out.
Well I guess I’m one of the 2 then
Me too
Me three…?
But they still won’t be able to remove all of the baked-in spyware.
Try Ubuntu, you can uninstall the baked in spyware
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Try Debian, you can install the spyware
Tried Debian stable, kept not being able to get stuff to work because of the packages always being too old. Not advocating for Ubuntu either, but Debian? For a desktop? GTFO! I’d sooner start using emacs instead of vim.
So many things these days are flatpaks and app images. So it almost doesn’t matter.
I’m don’t know your situation but I’m sure there are reasons someone might not be able to use Debian desktop.
isn’t ubuntu based on debian stable and so have even older packages?
Ubuntu has its own repos independent from Debians
A somewhat anecdotal comment here, but I’ve using Debian stable as a daily driver for years, both at work and at home. Haven’t had any issues yet. It’s so stable it’s almost boring. 😀 However, this is fine since I can focus on getting stuff done instead of messing about with the distro.
I wanted to, and did manage to figure the installer out once, but damn it’s user unfriendly… The os seems fine, installer was not. I had some other issues I was hoping would be fixed in Debian that weren’t, so unfortunately I did not stick with it
The website is the least user friendly of all distros lol
Does debian even exist? I’ve never seen it… I’ve used a dozen flavors of “debian” Linux professionally, as well as the headwear related branches and centos… Most recently I’ve gotten into nixos (I tried a half dozen distros, none of the “Nvidia friendly” distros would work with my graphics card outside safe mode, even after debugging and official docs listing it as compatible with Ubuntu… Five lines in the nix config, will nix again)
All this time, I’ve seen countless mentions of this mythical debian… at this point I’m pretty sure it’s just a meme, like Australia. I get Australia, someone mispronounced Austria and made up this wild story of a land full of deer who hop on two legs and kickbox (hilarious), but I don’t get the joke with debian. Is it just supposed to be the mythical Linux that works on any hardware configuration?
Moving to an entirely different operating system is a big step just to… end up with closed, proprietary software and spyware again.
Snaps, I think I’ll pass.
Even without them, I don’t have time to uninstall/remove everything I don’t need.
DIY distros suit my needs more, but thanks anyway.
I understand that this is a meme, but dismissing one of the best distro family because snaps are included is dumb. It is easy to uninstall snap entirely.
The only serious bummer is that the Firefox deb-package is now fake and only installs the snap version of Firefox. Go get Librewolf, which is basically a hardened Firefox, and use their repository.
It is fun to meme around when it is with people that are familiar with Linux. But some Windows/MacOS users who are interested in Linux might take you seriously. Ubuntu and Ubuntu-like distros are really good in terms of ease of use, support and compatibility. My first recommendation for a new Linux user is Ubuntu or variations thereof.
If you switch why not go alway? Try Linux from scratch or Arch/Debian, Ubuntu is only a few steps behind MS in term of spyware
You can try linux mint debian edition
If it really was that much spyware, the EU would already have created laws to do something about it.
More likely is that it really isn’t spyware as much as it is basic unanimous telemetry, which you can disable in the settings.
Time for Ubuntu to ship with a mandatory Edge installation
Don’t give them any ideas
meanwhile, me on Arch:
yay -S microsoft-edge-stable-bin
Yeah, as if Arch was not bleeding edge enough.
Godspede to the madlad who needed that to exist
People have already proven they will put up with about anything Microsoft throws at them, so they were never going to switch anyway.
Also you still can’t uninstall the bootloader under windows.😆
Yeah people will download a patched windows iso, go through an extremely complicated install process to have everything the way they want, flip a few bits in windows with some shady ass tool and give up updates instead of just using linux.
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Gaming performance on Linux is excellent, I’m getting stable 60FPS on single player games on my old 1050 equipped laptop from 2016 that weren’t even playable on the old Windows install.
Anticheat however is a different story, and CoD DMZ/Zombies is where I spend most of my gaming time so it’s difficult to just give up a Windows install.
we shouldnt value childrens opinions in adult conversations
Doing all that takes about 2 hours. The shady ass tool is also unnecessary since you can manually change the registry entries. Once it’s done I can install anything by double clicking the exe and it runs 99.9% of the time.
Linux meanwhile only takes half an hour to setup and update (if we are talking about a beginner friendly one like mint cinnamon), but you will use a lot more hours trying to get everything to run. There rarely are good drivers for peripherals, to get even slightly more then the most barebone functions of my logitech gear I have to run a shady github project someone slapped together 3 years ago. The adaptive clock on my laptop doesn’t work, I loose about 2 hours of battery life and the touch pad stops working after a few hours.
I dualboot a win10 ltsc version and mint. By now most stuff runs fine on Linux, but it has taken me 10 times the effort to get to that state compared to windows. And even now I occasionally have to fiddle with wine cause it decides that this specific programm isn’t to its liking. And that’s ignoring the issue it was to run anything with anticheat. That requires a VM with GPU passtrough to even remotely work.
Once it’s done I can install anything by double clicking the exe and it runs 99.9% of the time.
cybercriminal heavy breathing
That’s only an issue if you torrent your stuff in which case linux wont save you. A windows virus/cryptominer/keylogger/etc. won’t natively work on Linux, but it will work if used with wine.
You joking right? Torrents are not the main attack vector XD who told you this fairy tale?
Also imagine using wine, wtf
In my experience everything already had drivers installed on linux. I think with the logitech stuff you mean the stupid configuration ui that would perfectly work on linux but they choose to not port it(you can still use it with wine for example). All my keyboards have qmk so that works on linux. A github project is much less shady because you can check the source code. Idk whats wrong with your trackpad. Battery life is hit or miss on linux, i get more hours on linux currently but only after installing some stuff. On ubuntu or mint the battery life should be good out of the box. Anticheat is basically anti-linux so ofc it wont work. For me backwards compatibility is better on linux than windows. When i try to run old software on windows it never works. Software support is pretty good nowadays but some professional stuff wont work. If you do that you should go mac lol.
Good on you, but that is far from everyones experience with Linux.
It’s going to be one of those things where someone is either going to switch to Linux or they’re not. Most people will take convenience over privacy.
Honestly, Windows isn’t even that much more convenient. It’s just what people are used to.
Now that I’m used to Linux Windows makes me pull my hair out.
Even just creating a functioning bootable usb stick with windows is a pain. Why are those stupid windows iso so damn picky?
Funny. For me switching to Linux was actually a convenience and aesthetics over privacy ngl.
Since when does microsoft windows have good privacy?
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Oh, you’re right. I’m seeing now they were referring to the short term inconvenience of installing an OS, and not comparing windows and linux distros.
I’m not really concerned about getting more people to use Linux. Am I the only one?
As a person who cares about the gaming ecosystem, I think it would be really healthy for Microsoft to not have full market dominance.
They’re busy making studio acquisitions which are gradually centralizing the market, which could become very problematic if they start taking anticompetitive approaches to distribution.
More people on Linux means more pressure for software availability on Linux, and if people can just move over relatively easily that prevents Microsoft from going full corpo-digital-prison-hellscape.
I feel like I don’t really care what my peers use, or what people in general use, but the more adoption linux desktop gets, the more people getting involved in community projects there are, as well as more bug reports and the like, so the sooner things get improved upon and the better they become.
Also more about being mainstream. I’m being forced to use proprietary centralised locked down platforms because others demand it. Free software going mainstream is one of my aims
platforms because others demand it.
Whatsapp, google meet, gmail, google classroom…
But all of those have web versions no?
That doesnt matter. I want softeare freedom and not just to barely run on linux. Forcing proprietary platforms ate ridiculus.
I am using a mobile phone
Well, more people on Linux means more software support.
we already have all the free software, im not missing adobe bullshit or other proprietary crap.
More people using free software means more resources going into them, maybe industry-wide adoption. Would it not be awesome to have ODP be the standard file format for a document (because enough people use Linux to make an open standard necessary)? Interoperability will be a big thing if enough people start using Linux.
I mean personally I’m not missing anything so I don’t see the benefits.
I care because by not using linux there is money going to microsoft or apple hands, which are not very friendly to user rights.
I have people asking me to help them install linux all the time. I am glad, in theory, but sad, in the practicality of having to work for free on my spare time.
i used to care, now i dont give a flying fuck.
if people are too stupid to use a superior and free system, fuck em.
Haha well, that’s one way to think about it I guess.
Lets be honest, people don’t switch to Linux because it’s better, we switch because of the cute pinguin mascot !
And because it’s free in many ways.
Or Chameleon if in EU.
It’s OpenSUSE.
Or Larry the Cow.
Don’t forget the cute blue upercase A.
Never heard of anything like that. The chameleon it is.
Femboy A :3
Who gives a shit what other people use?
Too many Linux users do, unfortinuately.
Windows is made by a company that would make this change in some countries but not all countries. We are not free until we are all free. Some operating systems guarantee that. Others do not.
I don’t disagree with you but dude people are sick of the politicization of everything and their operating system doesn’t even get onto that radar. They are ignorant and quite happy of it. Please let the pigs eat their shit in peace.
That said, it is quite telling that Microsoft apparently finds it more advantageous to have two divergent feature sets than to apply the change universally.
I get where you are coming from. FWIW I’m being a jackass for the hell of it rather than trying to start a flame war. But if someone is to get upset about it, perhaps its something for them to reflect on later.
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It’s a little naive to think that this was an incentive to use Linux for ppl in the first place.
Overnight, millions will suddenly somehow become European.
I wonder if they will try IP based Geo enforcement? How long do you think before Rufus allows flipping the bit to force this globally on install?
No. A lot of people simply don’t care about their browser enough to take any action, let alone to bypass geo-restrictions.
The people who do care have already switched to Linux.
Idk, the whole “Megacorp is forced to do reasonable thing, but will still only do so in regions where the law applies” should further encourage people to move away from all their crap.
Shouldn’t the same be applied to MacOS? There are a myriad of stupid apps impossible to uninstall. Maybe even safari
While you can’t uninstall Safari, it doesn’t constantly discourage you to use other browsers like Edge does. Nor does Mac OS prevents you from installing competing apps.
The bigger problem is iOS, but the EU already took care of that and we’ll be able to sideload apps on iOS pretty soon.
Does Mac prohibit other browser engines like they do on iOS?
Doesn’t do a lot of good, that they let you use other browsers if they are just reskins for Safari.
MacOS is actually far more open to low level system UI tweaks and app support than windows.
They do not.
I remember Mac os ignoring my default browser choice many times and instead launching a web page in safari.
App association is done at the OS level, and the apps are normally responsible for that. So it could be either the OS not registering the selected browser properly or the other browser not registering itself correctly as the default browser.
They need to basically register themselves as responsible for html files and a bunch of protocols (http, https, etc). I’ve never had a problem like that, and I’ve been using macs for almost 30 years (I’ve used many different browsers as default in the past).
But browsers are pretty complicated beasts, so I believe you. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and your choice may not end up being respected.
True, I forgot that part. Thanks! Still, it comes as weird for me to have software (zero tied to OS functions ) I cannot remove
Mac literally doesn’t allow any other browser engine. They only allow webkit.
So your options are:
Safari with Chrome aesthetics
Safari with Firefox aesthetics
Safari with [insert browser here] aesthetics
No, you’re confusing MacOS with iOS. Mac allows whatever you want. Each browser has its own rendering engine. iOS is the one that only allows (for the moment) Webkit. But that’s going to change (at least in Europe). Here:
Like what ?
Older MacOS versions had stuff like the chess game preinstalled for no reason, though I don’t know how current versions look like.
I also don’t know how easy it is to remove preinstalled apps nowadays. Back in the day, you could disable System Integrity Protection, remove whatever you want, and re-enable Protection afterwards.
That chess game even predates OS X, it was a tech demo that came with the NextStep OS and has barely changed since the mid nineties. At this point it would be said to see it go.
The odd thing is that some of them are uninstallable on iOS/iPadOS…
Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of reasons Windows sucks and they’ll only make it worse.
As someone who has has tried repeatedly for more than ten years to use Linux, Linux is already doing a good enough job at that without their help.
skill issues
Just try fedora, its easy
I’ve been a software engineer for many years so trust me when I say this has nothing to do with how hard or easy it is to install. I used to run Gentoo at some point so I’m not exactly CLI averse. The problem isn’t the installation, it’s maintenance. Shit just keeps on breaking for no reason and I’m tired of figuring out how to fix it.
Linux is simply an enormous timesink. It constantly needs handholding and babysitting in order to work. And it doesn’t even reward you for it with a superior user experience, just a steady stream of problems to fix. Windows might not be perfect, but it at least it works. Meanwhile, Linux is like an insecure girlfriend, it constantly needs reassurance that you still love it.
Linux needs constant babysitting? Hmm I wonder why the majority of the internet servers is Linux not Windows. Even in critical infrastructure where stability is valued, not cost.
However you can’t choose a bad distro (bad for your needs that is) ans expect a flawless experience. When I read your first sentence I expected you to be a video editor or in a field where the industry standard software is only limited to Windows. But if your a developer it’s 100% your fault. I am running Linux for over a decade with zero problems. Only time when I had a problem, I was running Arch (btw) and updating the system blindly, daily.
You aren’t dynamically changing configs, libraries and programs on a production server like you are on a user facing system. That the killer. Linux servers are only stable when you leave them alone.
Updates to servers are generally done by beta testing them on identical hardware in the lab and when you have a functioning image you send that to production. To expect that kind of treatment on a user facing system when you say update the web browser would be beyond unacceptable.
As long as GNU/Linux systems continue to have ABI compatibility issues and general buggy issues between updates, it will never be considered a decent user facing system.
Also the quality of code for CLI programs is far more roadtested than GUI related code since there are major corporate efforts to make Linux servers more stable. Since GUI systems aren’t needed for servers they don’t get the same level of attention. That attention comes from the KDE and gnome foundations which don’t have nearly the same kind of money.
There’s a reason people are celebrating Valve contributing to KDE and related GUI projects as there’s finally some real money being thrown at the problem with real results.
Those servers aren’t being changed almost ever outside of required updates, a user workstation is much more volatile in regular everyday use.
You sound like you have hobbyist level IT knowledge.
You sound like you have hobbyist level IT nowledge.
Then I should be grateful that my employer is paying me despite my hobbyist level knowledge.
Whatever your employer pays, they are overpaying you.
I have had zero problems with Linux so I lack knowledge and am overpaid? You have problems therefore you are paid fairly? Hmm sounds very logical. Any critical infrastructure project would be lucky to have you.
Furthermore, you have told another commentor in this same thread that they reek of incompetence because they have a 7 hour Windows install, yet I am being overpaid because I don’t have any problems in Linux? So a competent developer should breeze through Windows but should struggle in Linux? Is that it? Kinda contradictory don’t you think?
Oh yes, Linux is great for servers, not doubt, but on the desktop, not so much. Unless all you do is administering Linux servers, I guess.
The year of Linux cancelled. /s
The year of the DESKTOP Linux. Linux has already won everywhere else.