Day XXX of conservatives making liberals look cool by accident.
No accident. We always have been the cooler ones.
Liberals in the American sense (not far right) or in the pol-sci one (private property is the most fundamental of rights)?
I would fuck both cars
go to !fuckcars to learn more!
I am scared to look for cars fucking cars
You should be more worried that the lemmyverse gets its very own dragonsfuckingcars
oh, I suppressed that
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You know what I’d do with a million dollars? Drive two cars at the same time.
Right wing rage bait drives engagement which in turn drives up the cost of advertising and gives them more revenue. This is really why everyone needs to abandon corporate social media in droves.
Did…did they censor trash?
Oh, god, that just makes everything worse!
“PSA: Do you know how difficult it is being a #&$8man? He picks up your $&@( for you. Be respectful to your local #(#-men.”
Took me so long to figure out that this wasn’t some obscure swearword.
It’s “Trish”. That’s the 2nd girl’s name. They didn’t want to be banned for doxxing.
That’s what you get for using Facebook. Just delete your account already.
Deactivated FB six weeks ago.
I’m not saying you should do the same, but I’m not not saying it.
6 weeks? I thought everyone left that dumpster fire 8 years ago
It’s a shame they didn’t.
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Thats about when I dropped FB for the second time for the last time… I was dating a girl that didn’t believe I didnt have a FB, my dumbass makes a new one and it was pure misery like the last go. I can’t imagine how bad it is now…
Deactivating is for wafflers. Delete that shit, burn the crops, and salt the earth in your wake.
It’s really not.
You’re still starving the beast. Deactivating just leaves the people who know me an outlet to get in touch if needed.
I told myself that… And then would reactivate and spend a day or two falling back in. Like a shitty relationship. Eventually, I had to cut the cord entirely.
Sometimes that’s the best way to go. For me, deactivating’s been fine. I like Mastodon and Lemmy way more.
I was banned from FB years ago, they did me a favor
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Understable. Requires more legwork without it, but I don’t mind that for the mental health tradeoff.
I need it to contact like 90% of the people I talk to
Are all your friends American retirees?
Not necessarily. You can deactivate FB and still keep your contacts to use in Messenger.
You are still looking at a Facebook post. You simply found a way to feel superior to the people who do it on Facebook.
It’s not a superiority thing.
As much as I dislike FB, it unfortunately still has a lot of use for most people. I get that.
Stop clicking on right wing rage bait and it won’t be recommended to you lol
You don’t even need to click for them to recommend it. If you look at it longer than another thing, or take a screenshot when it’s on the screen, it’s a signal that you might spend more time on the app if they show those kind of things. And the chance of you spending more time on the app means more money for them through ads.
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Yes because it makes them billions of dollars. It’s disgusting.
I’ve never once had FB suggest things like this to me…
Probably because I’ve never made an account!
This is not true. Anyone that clicks anything remotely socialist immediately gets fed with the completely opposite, gommunism no food and 100gorillionbillion deaths propaganda. It immediately tries to lead people to the opposite.
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i noticed this year ago that if stop using my fb account after some time my TL is filled with “suggestions” RW and lewd stuff. i think they are just trying to see what i like, if i click on RW stuff they gonna flood them and same for lewd posts
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Why you still on Facebook?
Because we left Reddit but there still not enough Lemmy content for while we’re sitting on the porcelain throne.
You need fiber not facebook
Imo continuing to use reddit is a lot better than using Facebook. As many issues as you may have with Reddit as a company, Meta is far worse.
Reddit is trying to become like Facebook tho, look at their app and how they are trying to copy blocking mobile web like Facebook used to do for chat
Got to change your sort and subscribe to more communities. There is more than enough stuff here to make my legs go numb on the can.
Ah taking the ole two hour shit… good times.
What do you expect after 3 days?
I don’t blame him, my wife, my mom and my gran are all there and like to see pictures
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I think I know why people who only comment the most repugnant shit always complain about being “censored:” they want everyone else to be as miserable as they are, so it enrages them when nobody wants to listen to their barely-coherent screeds.
After all, what’s the fun in posting to 4Chan when they’re just another outrage baiter? Nobody there cares if they’re incivil, hateful, or childish so they can’t get the rise out of people that they crave. There are callous laughs to be had there, but it doesn’t feed the need.
No, they have to go to places where they can spread their miserable loathing around and get any kind of attention for it. Anything for that hit of dopamine they get from angering the targets of their ire.
Who gives a fuck? The car isn’t decorated for you it’s decorated for its owner. Same goes with how a person chooses to dress or decorate their body.
Ultimately just another form of “your body exists for my enjoyment”.
I have no idea what they are advertising
Women as property
Right wing rage
Looks at weird paint job on my project car Yeah who… who would paint a car like that?
I don’t get it really. She can get tattoos if she wants, it’s not like she’s making me get them.
Algorithm free is the way to be.
The content algorithms are terrible. I’ve been trolling some local news pages that have been posting about Jason Aldean, and it never fails that the most relevant comments are all showing support even though each comment only has a few likes, but when “all comments” is chosen, there are massive amounts of opposing comments that have an enormous amount of likes.
It’s like the purest form of manufacturing consent.
This kind of shit is usually made by incels. So no worry. They already live in their own hell.
Plenty of reason to worry about desperate incels, seeing how many mass killers have come from that group…
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