The international headlines about NZ recently have been quite embarrassing… we definitely seem to be a country going backwards on climate change, reducing smoking and COVID (and probably other things).
Some of the recent climate change articles are getting rather nutty. They are talking about BBQ and gas cooking as if it was a bad thing, and in an article about housing, one author claimed that climate change would alter the housing market, by destroying houses in floods. They cannot go five minutes without injecting their climate change theory into everything.
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From early in the article
This is despite warnings from the International Energy Agency, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the International Institute for Sustainable Development and (as of last week) the UN Environment Programme that searching for new fossil fuels is not consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5C.
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When I was a gullible teenager I would have sided with the WWF, but since I’m an adult now, I realise it’s a lobby group with an agenda, and they are just fear-mongering.