In other news, researchers have discovered that the sky is blue.
I know that studies like this are important for validating things that would otherwise be taken for granted. They’re also useful in debates when people want actual proof. But at a certain point, you have to accept that the person you’re debating probably isn’t arguing in good faith and is only sealioning to wear you out.
Off topic, but I just want to say that I love how the term “sea lioning” took off.
Yeah, I love how new terms evolve to fill niches like this. Sea lioning is actually nothing new, but that specific term for it is
i haven’t heard it before- what’s it mean?
It’s from a
. It’s a form of bad faith arguing where the troll wears you down by demanding more and more proof without providing any of their own, then acting offended when you tell them you’re done debating.
I thought it was simply about making obnoxious sounds, but then again, that’s pretty much what that is
It’s a small sadness of mine that he chose sea lions, since I’m quite fond of the sea lion antics in San Francisco.
On some days, all the sea lions come up and sun themselves on the marinas, an inconvenience for owners of yachts and sailboats, but to great amusement for the rest of us.
As the law is, we Californians aren’t supposed to approach within 150 feet of sea lions, no matter how cuddly they might appear to be. (Don’t try to pet them. They don’t trust strange humans and will wreck your week.) But when animal control tries to dislodge sea lions from the gangways, another one swims up for a sunning to take its place.
There are some wooden floats near Pier 39 made specifically for sea lions so that tourists can watch them, but there are still sunny days when the marinas are overrun, and rich folk can’t get to their boats.
It’s a cornerstone of the alt-right playbook, and of Conservatives in general - you never go off the offensive, because it is much easier and looks way better to make other people defend their own opinions than to offer your own to be subject to any critique at all.
Yep. The people that argue for conversion therapy are generally not the kind of people that are convinced by actual proof. Sadly.
You misunderstand.
This is proof that conversion therapy works because their goal is to kill us.
Exactly. While many reich-wingers – being the spineless fucks they are – won’t say it out loud, they do want us all dead.
Somewhat oddly I respect an honest bigot more than a bigot who tries to pretend they’re not one. Not to say I respect them very much, just that I respect them more than their fellow bigots who lie about what they are.
I have emphasized this a lot between the distinction of how my grandparents are bigoted towards me being queer and how my parents are bigoted towards me being queer.
My grandparents will outright be like: “We don’t support this shit, and that’s that. No compromising.”
but, my dad and stepmother have been like: “Wow! We’re such genuine allies for sure!”
and then when my parents get constructive criticism on something they’re doing wrong and should amend to be a better ally, they get hostile and distance themselves form me. My stepmother went a whole month without talking to me while I was living in the same house as her because I deemed something she said “transphobic”.
It got to a point where my dad went mask off in a vicious homophobic/transphobic rant where he called me things like the f-slur, the r-slur, a “cancer” to his life, and emphasized that he doesn’t want me to do anything to affirm my gender or act upon my sexual orientation.
My stepmother then tried to still push that they’re both allies, went as far to say they couldn’t be BETTER allies, and his comments were justified because he said so them out of “anger”, from which she derives the conclusion that “he didn’t mean it”.
I hate them, and yesterday, I saw them for the first time in a while after being no contact with them for the longest time, and then they said “Why haven’t you been calling us? We worry about you.” while deadnaming me and shit, so I just shrugged my shoulders and left at that point.
Bottom line is that my grandparents are better. They don’t pretend; they’re honest, and I like that a lot more.
Damn, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.
Yikes, that sounds terrible. I’m fairly lucky that despite being nonbinary or possibly some flavor of trans (fucked if I know 😅) and attracted to generally feminine people and not just women, I approximate a cishet dude so I haven’t had to get into any sort of gender- or sexuality-related discussions with my parents who are just a hair under 80.
My mom would probably be fine with me regardless, but my dad… well, not so much. He’s conservative enough that he probably wouldn’t take things too well if I went and came out of the closet to him, so I’ve just figured that I’ll spare both me and him the heartache and just keep this stuff to myself. We’re not close so I feel like it’s really none of his business anyhow
My parents briefly discussed sending me to a military-style boarding school because I was not the greatest kid at the time. This one wasn’t the “kidnap you and force other kids to watch you pee,” kind of place but it did bill itself as structured and instilling discipline.
Naturally, they googled and researched it and places like it. My mom found stories about the stress that such places out on students and research concluding that kids often end up with more behavioral problems rather than less. After that, they never brought it up again.
This kind of research probably isn’t going to change minds in an argument, but there are parents of transgender kids who are exploring treatment options. They very well might be convinced by research when it comes down to sending their own kid to conversion therapy.
We can certainly hope that parents unaware do do the research rather than falling for the sales pitch, for sure. I’m glad you dodged that bullet thanks to your parents’ actual attempt at researching it.
…according to the latest study from No Shit University and the Sherlock Center for the Obvious.
Gee, who would have thought that suppressing who you are and being taught that it’s wrong could have an increased negative outcome. Crazy, am I right?
N o s h I t
- Chickens are birds.
- Water makes things wet.
- The pope is Catholic.
- Spoons are often used to consume pudding.
- Cups are often used for consuming fluids.
- Jimi Hendrix was a guitarist.
- Germany is in Europe.
- Potatoes are a key ingredient to potato chips.
Any more?
Breaking news: the Earth is round
Oblate spheroid, but I get it.
I’d describe an oblate spheroid as round.
Then at that point, it’s semantics I guess. Just being nitpicky for no reason I am.
How many times does this need to be “discovered”?
What if it’s just met with acceptance?
I studied history and choosed science history as my main topic. It is a pain in the ass to explain the difference between serious science and hoax. I really hate it how psycology and psychiatry are getting abused by people, who simply want to uphold their privilege.
I scream to the void now