That’s a nice guard, I’ve only seen the half open crescent that is supposed to protect the user from sticking their finger into the wheel.
Came with my grinder (MasterCraft). It came with the half-open style you mentioned as well, and I use that one for my grinding wheels/flap disks.
The guard change mechanism is pretty slick too. Once you get the wheel off its a tool-less cam lock mechanism
Yep, I always charge hazard pay if I need to use my angle grinder. Even Dremel cutoff wheels make me incredibly nervous.
Watching people trying to make small cuts with a Dremel, face 10" from the wheel, with no eye protection gives me anxiety.
Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a safety squint.
Thankfully I’ve never seen this done. Although I used to regularly rake my co-workers over the coals for not wearing a face shield while wire-wheeling rims.
If you think wearing a grinding mask is uncomfortable, wait until you get shrapnel in your eye.
Happened really fast. It bound up twice, and before I could react it exploded.
Damn glad I have a healthy fear of cutoff wheels. I always use the proper guard and I recently bought a 3M face shield specifically in case of this…
I seem to have gotten away unscathed, except for my nerves of course.
except for my nerves of course.
What about the pants?
They’ve seen better days, certainly.
Lord, I just saw MY life flash before my eyes just seeing this picture. Glad you’re ok
Guards and goggles and a healthy fear. I do use the angle grinder on screw tips sometimes when woodworking, so it is a good reminder.
They’re not called “wheels of death” for nothin.