Experts are stumped as to why colorectal cancer is rising dramatically among people in their 30s and 40s.

Colorectal cancer is the deadliest cancer for men under age 50 — and the second deadliest cancer among women in the same age group, behind breast cancer.

The incidence of colon cancer has been rising for at least the last two decades, when it was the fourth-leading cause of cancer death for both men and women under 50.

Among men and women of all ages, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death. Prostate cancer is second for men, and breast cancer is second for women. Colorectal cancer is third, overall, for both sexes.

  • @[email protected]
    446 months ago

    Food is more and more processed and anything “healthy” or “natural” is more expensive.

    Capitalists are finding more and more ways to make cheaper and cheaper food that’s not even made of the chemicals our body would see normally. They’re finding worse things than HFCS. Processed foods are bad, but that’s what capitalism wants to push because it’s easier to hide cut corners.

    • Zorque
      146 months ago

      Making your own food also takes time and energy, which is increasingly being devoted to either work or work recovery.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      And then they act shocked at the results lol it’s so frustrating because you know damn well if we can figure out what the problem is as individuals they know for sure about it as well. Like when California was like yupp we’re making Red Dye #40 illegal and then thr FDA is like yeah we’re gonna take another look at that after they let it poison us for 50 years KNOWING it is poison. Shit red dye 40 isnt even the worst but its a huge part of the problem. On top of that, check out some full water quality reports on tap water in the USA.

  • @[email protected]
    286 months ago

    The fact that the person dying of colon cancer in the picture couldn’t be happier is pretty on brand for young people too.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      There’s an entire mentality to younger generations that’s basically nihilism or absurdism. Like yeah I expect to barely make it to 30, might as well entertain myself and be happy. Takes an entire youth to get there though.

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    As someone who lost their colon to Crohn’s disease at 23, I hope people start taking notice

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    Well of course, because people be taking it up the ass in this economy.

    I’ll be here all night, folks. Mostly because of the ankle bracelet.