We do not appreciate the r-slur here.
sorry, I came from wordington
hey, why’d you use the r-word there?
that’s a long fucking password
lmao, i use a password manager, and since its random anyways i made sure it would be a pain in the ass for anyone wanting to get into my acc for some reason (im paranoid sometimes)
Fuck Spez, but you don’t need to use the r-slur.
it hurts a little bit considering i made this account 5 years ago and used the sit out of it ever since
The point is great but I’m gonna hop on the r word bandwagon and say, your point will be taken a lot better by any admin if you don’t use derogatory terms - they’re just gonna write you off as a troll who’s business they don’t want anyway.
Really that goes for any legitimate argument or debate - using slurs\too many curse words is gonna invalidate you to the opposing party.
Not gonna go in on you about how hurtful that slur is and why we shouldn’t use it - watch a YouTube vid or two to see how it’s been used against neurodivergent and generally atypical people. 👍
sorry, I mostly used the r word as a synonym for “dumbass” and nobody said anything about it until now, I will change my ways
Yep where i grew up it was the same thing with that word. life is all about learning. Good on you for seeing that instead of digging your heels in. :)
I’ll forgive you because of your genuine apologies and willingness to learn and change, I wish you the best.
aye mate careful with that language, a good chunk of us actually have autism
Hell yeah, I deleted nearly all the comments on my three accounts and now the accounts themselves
same, used a script for it
Fuck man that would have been a good idea. I’m litterally a web dev, that would not have been hard for me to build let alone copy paste
lmafao ong