man fuck, I’ve talked so much shit about Chris Paul
hahaha so many fans of every fanbase have
on a diff note - how do you see the lineups panning out? I just dont think he compliments Curry defensively at all, and offensively, dont know that him & dray both out there together trying to both be mid-range merchants is worth it. Is CP3 exclusively a 2nd unit player then? Basketball wise i dont really like this move
I have a feeling if they do this move, it’ll be in preparation for a different one. I simply don’t see a world in which you want cap room held up in cp3 when you already have Curry.
The only thing that seems compatible about CP3 and Curry is that they are both from North Carolina, and that ain’t much to build on for winning.
I know Poole was inconsistent this season, but an aging Chris Paul seems like a questionable trade, even if it is only a year. They probably had to ditch Poole for cap space, but I feel like they could have gotten more for him than what they did.
Damn, kinda sucks that Poole didn’t work out, he was a huge part of the 2022 ring.
Warriors offense can be pretty lacking. The past few years, the Warriors without Curry have struggled to score, and for all of his weaknesses, Poole can be a scorer. Shame he dropped off a cliff last season, though understandable with the punch lol.
This has to be a straight salary dump to avoid the luxury tax right? Can’t imagine why else they’d give away picks and the younger guard in this trade.
I’m thinking they release him and try to sign green.
Are the warriors looking to move Chris? Not sure he’s any better than Poole at this point
Shorter contract and a better timeline fit I guess, Poole just wasn’t working for them and I didn’t see how it was gonna get better this year. Although maybe he gets moved again who knows lol
Seems like the biggest benefit to this move is cap flexibility from moving from Poole’s contract. If cap wasn’t an issue, I’d rather have Poole than CP3, even after Poole went off a cliff last year.
Damn I would love to know what Poole’s reaction was lol no idea how to evaluate this trade though I guess good for the wiz? If Poole makes losing too hard they can always move him again I guess
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A+ trade for the Wizards imo, despite how inconsistent Poole was.
A+! I guess I can see why, for the first time you can kinda see a way out of mediocrity for the wiz, vs. just being totally dead in the water for the next 4 years at which point they’d only get worse (like now) not better
? And you plan on having a celebratory cocktail? Or just spamming?
Only saw this in the cocktail thread, it seems out of place there!