Not all empathy is good. Don’t waste it on people who wouldn’t slow down if they ran you over.
I don’t wanna celebrate deaths, but it is wild to me how much of a story this is compared to, say, the boat full of migrants that the Greek government purposely allowed to die.
Those migrants were simply people seeking a better life. They deserve far more in terms of coverage and rescue efforts than a couple of rich aholes who spent their money on a tourist trap
I think the difference in coverage reflects more on media outlets and consumers than it does any of the people who died in either place.
A tourist death trap if you would.
It wasn’t sympathy for the passengers that made the story interesting to me. It was the absolute shamelessness with which that CEO disregarded safety, fired people who tried to make it safe, cut corners, lied to reporters about “partnering with Boeing” (they debunked it today), and on and on.
The guy was a huge piece of shit, and I hope that his company gets sued into oblivion so that some sort of precedent is set for other companies that try to use international waters for their malfeasance.
It was the absolute shamelessness with which that CEO disregarded safety, fired people who tried to make it safe, cut corners, lied to reporters about “partnering with Boeing” (they debunked it today), and on and on.
In unrelated news, Elon Musk looking for anyone wanting to go to Mars.
Or be on the waitlist to get a Neurolink implant.
Test pedestrians, please remain calm near the self driving Tesla.
I mentally separate SpaceX from the pissbaby these days. Because the people working there are actual fucking geniuses. They are paving the way to make access to space more affordable with re-usability. We need that. Elon can fuck off though.
Unwise. Elon is in charge. All of those actual fucking geniuses are there at his pleasure and may be fired at his whim.
Many beautiful things are fragile, or hold the seeds of their toxicity and decay. Doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy them while they last.
So long as Space-X is doing good(which likely coincides with Musk being otherwise distracted) I’ll be rooting for them to do more. When the bubble breaks, it breaks.
Problem: when SpaceX’s “bubble breaks”, people will die.
I have sympathy for the son as he (allegedly) did not want to go on the trip but felt that because it was important to his father, he had to go.
That is the only one I have sympathy for
But due to my nature, I feel guilty not caring about the other 4 people
Edit: I feel less guilty reading this shit from wikipedia, but still guilty
ok this is now suddenly less fun
They knew what they were getting into too lol
The safety issues were hidden by the CEO who ate shit with them. You see, their real issue was trusting the dumbass who continually railed against safety regulations publicly. Who could blame them? Fuck safety, it’s for nerds
Bro look at it, it was always obviously a death trap. It’s controlled with an offbrand Xbox controller, has no seats, and you get bolted in from the outside.
I would argue that having empathy for another human is what sets me apart from them. but i understand your disdain for them.
I really appreciate your comment. I feel the same way. I feel I can accept both that they were victims of their own hubris, and were other people suffering. Those notions do exist together no matter how I feel about the ultra rich.
No one cares when some rich asshole dies having a sherpa help them up Mt. Everest. We shouldn’t, and i dont know anyone who does, care about these rich sightseers to a mass grave.
Eh, I care a bit because they’re polluting Mt Everest.
Yes. There is that. I believe in Leave No Trace when hiking. Everest is a garbage dump now.
“Skill issue” hahahahahah
Eat the rich
No amount of bbq sauce is going to make that palatable. Can we just compost them instead?
Sorry to go off topic but I love your combination of username and profile picture of Mister Bean in surgeon gear.
We have a tendency to conflate a person’s life with a person’s traits and impact, which brings about an unnecessary moral grey area when a shitty person bites the dust.
Dude was a parasite on humanity. His greed was a boot on the neck for all but a select few. Him dying obviously means we lost a human life - no one’s celebrating that; but it also represents the excision of a parasite and relief from the damage he caused, and THAT is absolutely a good thing!
Now if the other oligarchs would just follow in his steps…
I’ve no empathy for them and have been loving those memes, but tbh I wonder about the people who’ve been actively counting down the hours until their death and celebrating it.