Should have happened while he was lying about Ukraine and giving support to Russian imperialism and genocide back in 2022.
Thats quite an article about a man making comments not providing the comments made
Yeah, surprised to see the Guardian with this level of quality…
Brilliant man, love his music.
He’s always been EXTREME anti-authoritarian, anti-war, anti-establishment. Consistent, at least, in his positions. I don’t always agree, but I respect.
And without full context or quotes, I will not rush to judgement — an extreme man who takes extreme positions, meant to challenge.
And no matter what they tell you, it’s possible to be against the actions of the Israeli state without being antisemitic.
Waters is very political. Been to one of his shows (loved it), and he doesn’t hold back. I didn’t agree with everything he said, but he is who he is.
This article fails to mention any actual examples of Waters comments. This reads like an intern had to finish an article before the deadline and only had time to collect out-of-context anecdotes.
Very disappointing for The Guardian.
A teenage intern watched this and decided it was real
That says more about BMG than it does about Roger Waters.
Oh look, more censorship from zionists.
Roger waters has been advocating for Palestinians for a very long time. Truly an OG.
He even plays songs for the Nakba Rally
Man, it’s so disappointing that the last couple of years really have made me outright hate him. Really love your music bro, but you’re a huge piece of shit.
Yeah a number of these old rocker dudes have really shown their ass. Waters, Clapton, Santana, etc
Wait what did Carlos Santana do?
In the middle of one of his concerts last summer he pulled out this gem:
“When God made you and me — before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. Later on, when you grow out of it, you see things, and you start believing that you could be something that sounds good, but you know it ain’t right. Because a woman is a woman and a man is a man. That’s it. Whatever you wanna do in the closet, that’s your business. I’m OK with that.”
The clip ends with Santana lining one hand behind the other, and adding that he was “Like this with my brother Dave Chappelle.”
Like, if you don’t like trans people I guess you do you, I doubt anybody’s gonna change your mind especially at his age. But, why exactly do you need to get on stage and disparage a group of people like that?
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Don’t forget Morrissey
Yeah also Johnny Rotten has gone a similar direction.
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What did Morrissey do? I would think he would be progressive as hell.
He’s turned very much into one of those “Britain for the British” types and has supported people like Nigel Farage and the Brexit movement.
Real shame, I love the Smiths’ music. Sucks Morrissey is such a douchebag.
To be fair, he’s always been a douchebag
Yeah can’t argue with that
I thought it was more, like racist shit
What do you suppose “Britain for the British” really means or what the major motivation behind Brexit was?
This article covers some of his mega iffy stuff over the years going back to at least the 80s
Britain for the British I know, I know, it’s serious
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No, it sucks when anybody is a hateful conservative asshole.
Not as witty as you think you are, champ.
Based upon this article, I don’t know anything other than the leading writing. What did he actually say, where, and would we disagree? A quick internet search finds mainly opinion.
Dark Side of the Nobody Gives A Fuck About You Anymore, Prick
Not sure how to feel about this. I mean from a personal standpoint I know he is an anti-semite as are some other musicians both alive and dead. Doesn’t stop me from listening to them. Same as being an atheist doesn’t stop me from enjoying Christmas music. As far as BMG dropping him, is that really news worthy? I mean they are a German company and they do have laws against those type of shenanigans.
Being an anti-Zionist is not the same as being anti-semitic
This is far from the first time Waters has been labeled antisemitic, though it’s maybe the first time the allegations against him have come from close associates citing specific instances where he allegedly denigrated Jewish people. Ezrin — who produced Pink Floyd’s The Wall — recalled Waters making up a song about the band’s former agent, Bryan Morrison: “I can’t remember the exact circumstance,” Ezrin said, “but something like, you know … the last line of the couplet was, ‘Cause Morry is a fucking Jew.’ It was my first inclination that there may be some antisemitism under the surface.”
Stachel, meanwhile, claimed Waters once grew frustrated during a vegetarian meal, eventually declaring, “That’s it! That’s it! Where’s the meat? Where’s the meat? What’s with this? This is Jew food! What’s with the Jew food? Take away the Jew food!”
That doesn’t sound anti-Zionist to me.
Waters making up a song about the band’s former agent, Bryan Morrison:
I’m not sure I believe the anecdotal evidence of a former producer. I reserve judgement until further evidence is provided
That first-hand account about the “Jew food” thing from his bandmate isn’t good enough evidence for you either?
No on its own it isn’t. First of all I’d like to see Waters respond and secondly I’d like to see more than one person relate the account.
I am old enough to remember the hit job done on Jeremy Corbyn for expressing support for Palestinians.
So two different people on two different occasions heard him say something antisemitic, but unless someone else was around to corroborate something that was said 20 years ago, it’s not reasonable enough to assume he ever said anything antisemitic.
Would second former bandmate Dave Gilmour also calling him an antisemite be enough?
Would the leaked email where he suggested writing an anti-Jewish slur on an inflatable pig at his concert be enough?
How about the fact that Frankfurt tried to ban his concert for being antisemitic after he appeared on stage elsewhere in Germany with a Nazi-like uniform plus had a pig with a Star of David on it and Waters went to court to get the show put back on?
Does he have to literally start goosestepping and shouting, “Jüden Raus” while doing a guest spot on The Tonight Show or something? I mean what exactly would convince you that maybe, just maybe, Roger Waters doesn’t like Jews?
I typed out a long response and then I reconsidered. Honestly I don’t give a rats ass what you think about this. I stand by my original statement.
I will wait for Waters to comment and I will reevaluate if more information comes to light. You however are free to drink the Kool-Aid.
What in the actual fuck with the vegetarian thing?
Don’t you know about the notoriously vegetarian Jews with their beef brisket and their bagels and lox and their gefilte fish and their matzoh ball (and chicken) soup?
This asshole is definitely both.
Read the article. Thet said he was anti-semitic, take it up with them.
You listen to gregorian chants?
I mean, it’s christian music…
I think they edited their comment without pointing out what was edited, so now your comment doesn’t make sense and people are downvoting you for it, lol
I figured it out though! I think, lol
Haha Yeah and sometimes I’m just going too far with my humor
You can still listen to his music. He has decades of music for you to listen to that are available from multiple sources. And he will also almost certainly find a new label.
Anyone who actually wants to listen to the music Roger Waters makes in the 2020s is going to be able to find him regardless of the label, but I would suggest that is not a huge number of people when it comes to people who listen to Roger Waters’ music.
Broken clocks. Dude is nuts and dogwhistles to conservatives constantly.
Can you post an example?
Hopefully he’s commenting on how Israel is commiting genocide on the people of Palestine.
All in all, it’s just another prick falling, lol
But King George killed his daddy. And it has made him very upset.
I have no idea what Easter Island head means.
That is an actual photo of Rog “the stone” Waters